leaves pale green then orange


plants in soil, look healthy, just starting to see some leaves turning pale green, then turn to a burnt orange color. only some leaves are doing this. plants are in soil with no amendments except for worm castings and are being fed normal botanicare regimen no different than other successful grows. could this be an issue with minerals in my water? Going to get my water tested today. Any other ideas?

leaves 001.JPG


also stems are red/purple. I am using water from a well but have not tested for high mineral content yet. Anyone have any ideas on this?


Well-Known Member
i would start by testing the water quality on that one, well water could be prety nasty. heck even my tap water is over 500ppm, i used to have issues like that in my hydro untill i got a RO system. also its easy to give plants a nute overdose when starting with booboo water.. to fix go buy 5gal of distilled water and give it just that for a few days..