Leaves starting to curl

I'm starting to get some curled leaves, I've never seen this before on a young plant. I started using nutes early this time, extremely light using sensi ab grow, pirana tirantula, voodoo, jumpstart, h-1, and b-52. I gave them so little i find it hard to beleive it could be nute burn this early, I just wanted to give them a slight taste of things to come. I've included a few pictures, sorry for my mug but its hard to use a laptop camera. Thanks for any info.


I see no pics? How early did you start nutes? Soil, Hydro? If soil, what type? Info man, need info! LOL:shock:
They are up now, pro-mix bx, watering ph 6.2-6.5, run off tested 6.9. i suspect because of the lime, i started at 1 week, like i said beyond light feeding.


Active Member
I dont think it would be clever to take pics with you in...no moatter how awesome your beard making skills are.

From the quality of he pics it just looks fine, it's just growing.
I dont think it would be clever to take pics with you in...no moatter how awesome your beard making skills are.

From the quality of he pics it just looks fine, it's just growing.

I am a completely legal grower here in cali, I'm not worried about it. :)

The plants tips are curling up, just slightly and getting worse. it started with one (g13, its the obviously curling plant) and now its just starting to effect others.


Well-Known Member
I am a completely legal grower here in cali, I'm not worried about it. :)

The plants tips are curling up, just slightly and getting worse. it started with one (g13, its the obviously curling plant) and now its just starting to effect others.
That plant looks fine dude. No worries. I wouldnt increase the nutes any until you transplant. Bet you have a couple weeks left in the cup. As always, remember. Feed, water, water, feed, water, water.


Well-Known Member
Oh ya, what kind of lights are you useing? How close? I really dont think it is heat stressed. Just checking to cover all bases.


Well-Known Member
They are up now, pro-mix bx, watering ph 6.2-6.5, run off tested 6.9. i suspect because of the lime, i started at 1 week, like i said beyond light feeding.
Suspect what? Those number are just fine. I bet you run off numbers will lower as you start to feed heavier.
Im using a 1000w mh about three feet up, i have a 8 inch vented hood to help cool. I just stepped up to this setup so im still trying to feel it out, I'm considering moving it closer in the next couple days if things clear up.


13 days old ill post new pics in just a min i my big gurl is the only 1 that got a lil nute burn im not sure if she needs to b flused or not she doing great still