Leaves Starting to Yellow and Droop from the Bottom Up!

Sorry these are late, I couldn't get pics till now. I just took these about 20mins ago, just before lights out. In the last picture you can see what looks to be nute burn, this occured on the fan leaves. I'll try to get a less blurry one later.


Re the flowertabs, they have gotten great reviews which is why I opted for them - I'm still learning :dunce:

@Sparks - the light is cfl
Being a noob I've been sticking to the less is better philosophy, for fear of doing damage. I generally water between 1/3 to 1/2 a pint of water but I'll give the pot a good soaking this evening.

In your opinion, can you see N deficiency?
No and yes water it completely every time. If that is all you have been watering that is the cause of the signs of stress you are seeing.
When was the last time you watered?

I am with spakafire you got a water problem it is lack of water. Soak that thing make sure there are drain holes and do not let the water pool up in the drip pans. I place 3-4 small 2 x 4 blocks of wood under my pot to lift it a little above the pan so the plant will never soak in the pool that may create. This technique will virtually iliminate any chance of over watering as long as your soil is not too dense if it is just add some perlite next transplant. Let the top of you soil get dry but don't let it get dry to the point where 6 inches deep is just as dry as the top layer. Those bottom sagging green leaves will probably turn yellow and never fully recover but don't worry the bottom stuff never produces much anyways.
Yer i would like to see what the result is from a good watering, at that size like a lot of mine you can water them in the sink as it is easy to transport them. I take the pot out of the water tray and place in the sink, that way if there is a lot of water coming out of the bottom it will go down the plug hole not sit in the water tray, give em 15mins after watering in the sink to drain properly. Also that soil looks a fine grade of soil, just looks like seedling soil or somthing, what soil did you say it was? One final problem i get it that when the soil goes really dry it dose not seem to want to absorb the water and a lot of it will run straight through the pot and out the bottom, to combat this i water small amounts all over the surface, give it 5 mins to soak in and do it again till the pot feels heavy and all the soil is wet.
I think thats the only reason why i subscribe to this thread, even my girlfriend was checking those boobies out. If you changed your avater i might have more of a conversation but then again i might not notice you so much!lol I use the 250 and 200w cfl in blue and red for flowering, i love those big cfl's as much as i love them big boobs!
NICE (ass u me)ion Why do people always go to the water issue? 99 percent of all the tap water will work. 2 questions can you drink it? do plants outside grow? I do not know of two many areas where you cant drink the water and plants don't grow because of it. POPPY COCK!!!

When a plant has a problem, looking at the water you're using is a fundamental step. People on this site with concerns are looking for suggestions that may help them to a solution and options to consider along the way... which is what I offered, a suggestion. You, on the other hand, didn't offer anything helpful or useful. Your indignant, flippant comments were misleading and pointless. When you grow up and if your brain cell can manage it, please consider the following:

1. NICE (ass u me)ion What the hell is that?!?!? Were you trying to say assumption? If this cryptic garbage makes sense to you then I see why you respond with such BS….you’re clearly challenged. Try using real words next time.

2. Tap water does work alot of the time however you cannot suggest that it's suitable 100% or even 99% of the time. Depending on where your water comes from and what's been added to it, it could damage your grow. This is a fact.

3. Not everything fit for human consumption is fit or necessarily ideal for plant consumption. I drink cognac....but my plants never will.

4. The rain that falls from the sky is not exactly the same water you get turning on a faucet in your home. Unless you have a cistern or a well the water company that provides your water is adding chemicals. These chemicals can be consumed but can also mess up your grow. Is this always the case...not at all. Is it possible...hell yes. Research hard water and TDS-total dissolved solids. You will learn something.

5. People like you are quick to jump out there and talk shit behind the wall of anonymity that exists on this site. It's expected and even entertaining but not helpful or necessary. I suggest, whether it be online or in person: When you see two grown-ups interacting mind your manners and stay in your place. If you have nothing productive to offer just shut the fuck up. And just so that we’re clear: I’m telling your dumb ass to go eat a dick!!

Hope this helps =)

I have never seen the dual spec flourescents in action and have never really wanted one, i always stick to either the blue or red spectrum and both for flowering to give me a dual spec. I believe even though it is dual spec it will be heavily leaning towards either the red or the blue spectrum. I have been researching these but i still prefer my envirolites. For some reason the envirolites seem to be the brightest and have bought other brands only to go back to the envirolites. I found it hard to get the light intensity and quality from some of the cheaper lights although all grew good weed. Glad the problem has cleared up! Can we get back to talking about boobs now guys!lol!