Leaves stay droopy, lower leaves yellowing

Sup guys, can't seem to figure out why the lower leaves on my plants are drooping. They stay droopy all day, even days after they've been watered. I wait until the soil is completely dry before I water them each time (currently about 200ml every 3 days), so I highly doubt it can be overwatering. The lower leaves also seem to be cannibalizing themselves and I can't figure out why. What confuses me is that the top/new growth is so healthy, and every time I feed a dose of nutes, they just get burnt tips. They are TGA's Querkle...can post more pics if needed

Some info:
Lush Lighting Dominator 2x LED light. 435w 18/6 cycle 28" away from canopy
Fox Farm Ocean Forest with about 20% additional perlite
Micronized Azomite @ 1/2cup per gallon
Micorrhizae ~2tbsp per gallon
Day Temps 73-78F
Night Temps 66-68F
Humidity: 15-30% (Denver air)

FFOF is notoriously acidic so I feed them plain 7.0 water every ~3 days alternating between adding Hygrozyme and Nitrozyme @ 15ml/gal
I do not feed them ANY nutrients otherwise, and airpots don't really have runoff so I can't measure my runoff pH. (Assuming somewhere around 6)
The Azomite provides more than a sufficient amount of nutrients to get these plants completely through veg
(can refer to my instagram or youtube page to see some previous plants growth, fed only water throughout veg... /ThatLEDGrowKid for both)

EDIT: Oh and these plants are about 2 months old from seed. Growth seems extremely slow compared to other growers i've seen, maybe someone can provide some insight on that as well? ...I have also removed all of the lower/useless growth from all of these already



Well-Known Member
Im not a 100% on what the problem is never had that happen, but whats for sure is that querkle grows really slow,like its family,anything urkle in it doesnt grow really fast, thats, they tried to speed that up by crossing it with a faster growing plant but urkle and gdp just grow slow it in its genes, also you need to raise that humidity up thats really low for veg . cut a gallon in half fill it with water and leave it in your grow space to raise humidity
Im not a 100% on what the problem is never had that happen, but whats for sure is that querkle grows really slow,like its family,anything urkle in it doesnt grow really fast, thats, they tried to speed that up by crossing it with a faster growing plant but urkle and gdp just grow slow it in its genes, also you need to raise that humidity up thats really low for veg . cut a gallon in half fill it with water and leave it in your grow space to raise humidity
Oh okay well that's good to know, thanks for the info....I've also uploaded some pics with the lights off for a better indicator.



Well-Known Member
They look hungry if ya ask me. Also possible ph problem judging by that last pic. But you know your soil.


Active Member
I think u might have root aphids.. i had the same looking plants and i found out i had em.. Also i nvr had a single bug for 3 yrs i bought all airpots for a new grow stlye and i had a root aphid infestation couple monthhs later.. i think they bounce from hole to hole laying eggs and u cnt do shit about it with those shit ass airpots. Since then i moved away from them and no longer have bugs.
I think u might have root aphids.. i had the same looking plants and i found out i had em.. Also i nvr had a single bug for 3 yrs i bought all airpots for a new grow stlye and i had a root aphid infestation couple monthhs later.. i think they bounce from hole to hole laying eggs and u cnt do shit about it with those shit ass airpots. Since then i moved away from them and no longer have bugs.
good suggestion but i just checked all my rootzones and i don't see any evidence of any sort of infestation


Active Member
If u see any bugs flying at all even gnats that might b a issue. look up capalator beneficials and maybe think about adding that to ur regiment its the best thing in growing right now imo.