Leaves turning in..problem!


Active Member
Newbie here... thanks for the help..

These two plants were started outside and brought inside because my friend and I got a little paranoid with blue planes flying low over our apartment every other day....stupid yes...but it's our first time growing. Any suggestions or bashing towards our newbieness is more than welcome:mrgreen:

Here's what we currently have in the closet..

105w CFL 5000k bulb - 6900 lumens
1 1600 lumen 2700k (?) yellowish red CFL
1 650 RED LED because one started to flower
1 fan

The tall dark green plant started really healthy outside (planted 5/20/08)
Now everytime we put it back outside it starts looking really bad so we bring it back inside....I'm guessing it got used to the indoor light and temperature..?

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago the dark green plant had 1 tier of leaves start folding in and has yet to pick itself back up but every tier of leaves thereafter are looking better than ever.

The scrawny light green plant had leaves that were really perky and held themself up pretty well but as of last night they started folding in..but only on the top tier of the plant. Pictures are attached below.

I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read all of this (I know it's a bit much) and helping us with our problem. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Newbie here... thanks for the help..

These two plants were started outside and brought inside because my friend and I got a little paranoid with blue planes flying low over our apartment every other day....stupid yes...but it's our first time growing. Any suggestions or bashing towards our newbieness is more than welcome:mrgreen:

Here's what we currently have in the closet..

105w CFL 5000k bulb - 6900 lumens
1 1600 lumen 2700k (?) yellowish red CFL
1 650 RED LED because one started to flower
1 fan

The tall dark green plant started really healthy outside (planted 5/20/08)
Now everytime we put it back outside it starts looking really bad so we bring it back inside....I'm guessing it got used to the indoor light and temperature..?

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago the dark green plant had 1 tier of leaves start folding in and has yet to pick itself back up but every tier of leaves thereafter are looking better than ever.

The scrawny light green plant had leaves that were really perky and held themself up pretty well but as of last night they started folding in..but only on the top tier of the plant. Pictures are attached below.

I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read all of this (I know it's a bit much) and helping us with our problem. Thanks
You're confusing your plant! Keep one light source going. If you don't get too paranoid, then take outside to flower. I've had those jitters before,but you have to think you're not Columbian drug runner so why be paranoid to grow the kind at home? KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Active Member
Oh but the plant that JUST STARTED to turn in leaves has been inside for a while under lights. I'm watering every other day or every 3rd day depending on the dampness of the soil but I've never had a problem wilting. Could it be that we just added the 105w CFL to the room in place of the 5 we had before. Once again, I appreciate the help!


Active Member
Hey guys/gals, kotohemp, while I am new to the forum I am not totally "green" :) Sounds possible you could be over watering. This is only my 2nd crop, but from working PT in a greenhouse/garden center/florist type place for 2.5 years my thumb has started to turn this weirdish green color..?.??...!.. I've always found it best to let the whole thing (plant/container) get pretty light in weight before I give water. 1 pair of questions too, when you water what kind of water?(distilled, RO, osmosis), also when watering I find they show less of a change in overall health/appearance when I use a sink or bath-tub and fill it up fairly low, enough to come up to at least 1/4 - 1/2 way on your container, using slightly warm to room temperature water and the the dirt and roots take in the water through soaking it up via the bottom of the pot. Really hope this helps somewhat I am new to growing this inside as well so any comments/remarks are greatly appreciated