Leaves Turning yellow and brown?? Why


I water every 3 or 4 days or when ever the soil in dry I stick my finger in the soil to see if its still moist . I'm using general organics go box nutes n that's it I don't notin else... I looked up go box nutes n some say u can use it every watering but I just feed water feed water ...


Well-Known Member
i bet you need to just flush with water (10x medium) so if its a 5 gallon get 50gallons of water run through the pot (outside)
after flush add in a dose of full strength nutes and after that do maintainance feedings.
the flush will ensure that you rinse away salts, and rebuffer the soil ph to whatever your tap is (which is most likely within soil range)

the rust spots usually happen when things are getting locked out due to an abundance of something else that cant be uptook. this creates a pH problem and now you start to see several deficiencies towards the bottom of the plant

im not certain what exactly went on, but the safe bet is to "restart" by flushing and then re-adding nutes after. be careful after flush to not overwater because your drowning the roots

try to do before lights on because this will give the plant the day to use up some water; if you flush at night your roots now drown (suffocate) till lights on, and this may further your problems.


New Member
doodwhat no 1n here sais is that thiers plenty of cal and mag in the soil its jst a matter if the plants can absorb it or not first check ur ph dont start adding all this bullshit... check ur ph if its perfect then u can start adding those things its flush with ph water between 6.2 and6.5 then shoupd bring ur ph down and make cal mag absorbed not matter how much cal_mag u put in if the ph levels are off it will not be absorbed. good luck


New Member
o and i was having a sim problem and all it was was that i was under fert when i gave those bad boys a full dose the rec dose problem went away not say u should do this but it was my problem someone told me on this sight forgot who but he said its like the human body u over feed thier gonna hurt u under feed thier gonna be hungry..


Well-Known Member
never flush with distilled water, unless you add a 1/4 strength or so nutes to it, the reason being is it sucks the life from your plant because it shocks it by leeching the nutes out.
instead use tap water or a low dose nute mix in the distilled water
then after you think things are flushed, dont wait for it to dry, there arent enough nutes now. add a watering of full dose nutes, then let everything be until it dries.


Well-Known Member
Best results I've had for flushing, use 3x pot size ex. 3 gal pot flush with 15 gals of water. I wait till she dries out for a day and then back to feeding. I use reg tap water (make sure to let it sit to allow chlorine to evap) I only flush when I have a problem ie: over feeding (damn near killed the girls) and a week before harvest. This grow will be no flush as the girls are too damn big too move ;)