leaves turning yellow with black spots all over PLEASE HELP!

New Grower 420

Active Member
so alot of the leaves on my plant are turning yellow and then they start to develop little black or brown spot all over em and now the leaves that are green are getting these black/brown spots on it and i seen one leave that was turning a redish color over top of the yellowing so im freaking out this is my biggest plant and it IS a fem no camera to take pics or i would there in direct sun light nearly all day could that be the problem? could it be getting to much heat and light?
im no expert but it would help to know how old the plant is, how tall, what setup you have going. - nutes etc? feeding cycle blah blah

it SOUNDS to me like it has nothing to do with light, it sounds like it needs to be flushed because it is having issues with something - I am not sure what but I am sure the solution will be to flush.


Active Member
Kind of sounds like a phosphorus deficiency. Hard to tell without pics. I do agree with marinegreen that it is most likely not light related.

New Grower 420

Active Member
plants about a month and a half maybe 2 its about 3 feet tall dont feed it any nutes its outdoors its in like jiffy soil or somthing like that the soil was made for tomatoes but ive read that weed and tomaatoes are simalar as far as what kinda nutes they need


Active Member
plants about a month and a half maybe 2 its about 3 feet tall dont feed it any nutes its outdoors its in like jiffy soil or somthing like that the soil was made for tomatoes but ive read that weed and tomaatoes are simalar as far as what kinda nutes they need
Most of the time a plant won't die from less than ideal nutes, but it sure won't grow to its full ability either.

Without pictures we are just taking educated guesses. Many deficiencies and burns will produce similar looking ailments. We could diagnose a problem and be on the total opposite end of the spectrum.

If its two or three months old and you haven't fed it any nutes than I suggest giving it a decent tea. Because the flowering period will start relatively shortly, and you are likely already low on phosphorus, I suggest giving them a guano tea made with a balanced NPK ratio.


Active Member
You can do that, but guano is much cheaper and I prefer it. You can get a bag of guano for about $9 and it will make a lot of teas. If you buy your nutes you are either buying synthetics, which I don't want, or organic nutes likely made from the same types of guanos, castings, and compost that you can buy for cheaper.

New Grower 420

Active Member
my problem is finding products like this i live in a pritty rual area in kentucky not many stores are guna offer this like this so im forced to order my stuff off diffrent sites


New Member
Buy some super thrive. put 5 drops per gallon of water then feed full strengh miriclefrow. added to the gallon of water with superthrive in it hurry !


New Member
need help asap.i have 10 ak 48 about 20 days and have problems.all 10 have yellow leaves and start from bottom to top , and their turn black , some of them from top of the leavs and other from the midle. i have for neaw 1 hps 250w. soil made by me 2/3 peat moss ph 6,4- 6,9 and 1/3 perlite. temperature 80 -85 F. search on google i believe it have problems with pest and i sprait with soap and water for 3 days without ani result. another thing i put them 12 under hps(80-85 F) and 12 to my window (70-75 F).



I'm def no expert but I think you may be over doing it, I would have that size plant in no smaller than a 6" pot. Give it consistent light and environment, you may be stressing it out by switching the lights and moving them around.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Chelo. What's your PH? Your plants aren't getting the nutriment they need. Lack of nitrogen and phosphorus or potassium. I'm not very well educated in soil but I do know PH 6.5 is best. Heat stress tends to show on upper leaves, nute burn is on newest leaves.

I'd give her a light feed of PH 6.5 with an all round fertilizer and then water again when the top 2cm in that temporary cup is dry. Hope this helps.