Leaves Turning Yellow


I currently have a Kabrales that's 4 weeks veg. I have her under a 400 watt MH light. Im using FFOF soil and have not given her any nutes. Temps are 84 day/76 night. Ph level is at 6.5. She has slight yellow tips and edges in new growth. The older fan leaves are yellow with brown tips and green veins. Thanks to anyone that helps.


New Member

  • . Im using FFOF soil and have not given her any nutes. Temps are 84 day/76 night. Ph level is at 6.5. She has slight yellow tips and edges in new gr​



I haven't fed yet but i will start tomorrow. i did foliar spray with some epsom salt because i thought it might be a Mag def. ill see if it improves. over the next few days after i feed. thank you +rep


Well-Known Member
Your right, and a couple other deficiencies leaf edges curling up is a sign of phosphorus deficiency.
Once you feed her she'll bounce back. Be Careful not to "OVER WATER"
IMO- I'd use Cal/Mag once a month just a preventative supplement.

Good Luck on your Grow.