Leaves twist a lil When to feed?

Bill Wilson

Active Member
Sorry about this question, I know the answer but need a lil experience. I have a jack that is finicky once it flowers, very skinny haze dom. I transplanted and then top dressed with roots which has been hot lately from what Ive heard. The smallest node in the leaves are twisting slightly which means I have enough food in the mix to burn slightly.

I bought botanicares go box and used the base bloom twice at 800 ppm on week 1 and 2 before the topdress and transplant from 5 gal pot soil into roots. I have been using carbs and molasses with nirvana, sensiym and liquid mycos and humic. My plant is in ten gallons and been monster cropped and vegged for 4 months plus.

When should I feed again with the bloom base? I am on week five and the leave is barely twisting, Ive been using tea, supplements, water.

This cut smells like tropical skittles and is the most resinous Jack Ive ever seen, Coated at day 14, I mean epic, leaf stems too.

I know start it with a weak dose and watch it. Does it take three times the water flushing for organics cause thats a lot and I get stressed when my babies do.

Did the top dress do it you think. I have two should I try one and hope for the best. I don t want to hurt yield. I just want to hear some experience.

Bill Wilson

Active Member
And Sub if you read this, did I hear on the last weed nerd that the Cleaner pheno had big stems from Jacks cleaner 2. The one in the backcross that was impressive. The one in eight. I have a JC2 in veg with giant stems.