Leaves twisting, I think?


Active Member
So I wake up and noticed these leaves not pointing Up! These leaves seem to be twisting towards the wall and its weird because I never seen this before. Now those leaves had heat stress like a week ago that's why you see leaf tip curl, but now I have this other problem! Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are you using?

Also when a plant is young, and light and nutrients are abundantly available the plant can go though what is called accelerated growth. It can twist and look wierd til it grows a little bigger. I wouldnt worry too much as it is nice and green. The bottom leave is cupping upwards like a canoe and that is a classic sign of the light being to intense or the heat being too high. It is trying to reduce its surface area so that light intake is lowered. I still wouldnt worry too much. Just keep a good eye on it ;)

Leaves will point in whatever direction your light is facing so that is why you have leaflets pointing directly towards your light. I had the same thing happen when my plant was smaller. they would bend to where the brightest light was. Good luck with your grow!


Active Member
How much are you watering them? Almost looks some I had that were being over watered. The leaves will curl the edges towards. Not for sure because I am definitely no pro.


Well-Known Member
I don't see much twisting or nothing else!
How long have they been in the ffof?
I'm guessing they were seedlings?
And the ffof may of been a little too
hot just yet for them. They might
just grow out of it or if they start
burning up they'll have issues!


Active Member
My White Widow seed has been in the soil since day 1......The plant looks to be growing really well from the new leaf growth! ... Just those old leaves are funny, Pointed strange. Today the plant is Day 21 in Veg and I think I'm going to veg for longer than 2 months......Wish me luck!