leaves twisting like crazy during watering, but not usually.


Well-Known Member


so i corrected a misuse of my ec meter by understanding scales and reading the meter correctly amd lowered ec from 2.4 to 1.1 to .8 and now to .72 EC over course of 3 days but today when watering with just a gallon jug, it wont show well in photos but leaves perked up like crazy and started twisting up and down, cloawing up and then down and both in the same leaf. just wondering, is this okay? is this a bad thing? what is happening? lol it was so bad i saw it move visually. then 7 mins later returning normal. never happened like this. too cold of solution? wast that cold. do plants like garden watering buckets better than dumping slowly out of a gallon jug?


Well-Known Member
40% perlite hydro coco set up and i just watered this other mother plant which the strain is blue benom and its not doing that. ignore the crispy leaves down below that was from previous issues, i have a 2x2 with 130w led fecida grow light at the moment and i take them out to water since tent is too small (have another on the way) and these are 5gal pots. but the enviorment outside the tent is usually the same as in the tent average 75F and 40% RH



Well-Known Member
run off on the MOb is .90 and run off on blue venom is 1.04 EC but so far many say not to measure runoff but if it gives signs of needing lower EC or higher EC and only take a second to do i try to keep note of it since i need all the signs i can get as im novice level grower. i water these 5 gallons with 2 gallons of prepared nutrients flora trio and calmag (should i water with more gallons than two gallons?) i water once a day. i use tap water .5 EC and .2 nutrients, is this ok? or at least for now? if plants dont need a whole lot of nutrients until flower i thought its ok and many usually cant afford RO systems, i cannot any time soon. the two gallons of watering create about 1.5 to 1.8 gallons of runoff so i consider that substantial run off in watering
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Well-Known Member
You can get funky growth like that

I stopped needing to use calmag when I stopped using ro water and started using tap. I grow differently using dry amendments but plants feed the same. Just use a rv water hose filter ( boogie blue ) and water outdoor plants with water hose I'll fill up buckets for indoors. I live near no body of water in alamogordo new mexico. Our tap last I checked was 700 to 800ppms. Tap here isn't suitable for consumption. We have water dispensaries 25 cents a gallon what I used to do until I increased plant count. Too much carrying all those jugs as it was also our drinking, cooking, and dogs water. So I got a 6 stage under sink ro system. Used that for awhile until I saw a growing your geens episode a while ago where dude grew 10 lbs on one plant using water hose and boogie blue figured if he could do that lol I could try. Pics from 2 months in then 6 months in. 7.2 is a tad high for soil, it's not bad and I'm at harvest so who cares about 0.2. Just top feed monthly and water when light. Useless information but if you go soil ever its something to keep in mind


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Well-Known Member
You can get funky growth like that

I stopped needing to use calmag when I stopped using ro water and started using tap. I grow differently using dry amendments but plants feed the same. Just use a rv water hose filter ( boogie blue ) and water outdoor plants with water hose I'll fill up buckets for indoors. I live near no body of water in alamogordo new mexico. Our tap last I checked was 700 to 800ppms. Tap here isn't suitable for consumption. We have water dispensaries 25 cents a gallon what I used to do until I increased plant count. Too much carrying all those jugs as it was also our drinking, cooking, and dogs water. So I got a 6 stage under sink ro system. Used that for awhile until I saw a growing your geens episode a while ago where dude grew 10 lbs on one plant using water hose and boogie blue figured if he could do that lol I could try. Pics from 2 months in then 6 months in. 7.2 is a tad high for soil, it's not bad and I'm at harvest so who cares about 0.2. Just top feed monthly and water when light. Useless information but if you go soil ever its something to keep in mind
oh thats nice and wow 700 ppm is high i do use distilled water for one or two weeks for seedlings so it gets low ec and space for some nutrients and have a system but ya its hard to use it for both consumption and growing or at least mine will run through maintancence faster but just for two weeks every couple months i dont mind getting jugs im still figuring out what really is the guidelines in starting water EC and how much nutrients to put in to where is just right, not too much or too little and if buying a water system just for seedlings is worth it, maybe if there was evidence that it really boosts yield to always use it then perhaps. and ya im growing hydroponics so its different then soil but i like it because i can control the medium better and leave it at that and not have to run into problems all the time or do sudden homework, maybe later on in expirience i can try it out but so far coco seems to be easy for me just starting out. my source that im trying to go off says starting water should be .35 or lower and mines .5 so if it makes sense i ask how much EC starting water is ok and not stealing space for nutrients that will likely be used and what is excessive as well.


Well-Known Member
update: i watered today and it didnt do that at all and run off on blue venom is .8 and MOB is .84EC
i wonder if it wasnt uptaking water due to being too salty working its way down from 2.4EC (i know, ouch lol) to .7EC and when i watered yesterday i wonder if it was reacting in relief with finally having preferred EC levels.