leaves yellow fan leaves dying.. what's causing it? they don't look happy


I have some rocklock and deadhead and platinum kush going. and rl and dh leaves are yellowing and dying. been doing this for weeks. I did over water them and they got stunned but that was 2 weeks ago and they've grown a lot. the platinum does amazing.. green as can be. ph is kept 5.8-6. ppm is 650 700 now but in beginning was 4-5. 3-4th week veg. nuts are floranova and I added some cal mag thinking that might help. using tap water with ppm of 300. can anyone help me figure it out? I'm growing in rockwool



yes I ph'd the rw. it's loose rockwool not cubes. it really doesn't raise ph like other rw I've used. I have other plants that are happy with same things I did to the ones in pic. I've added cal mag and flushed them yesterday. how can I add more N? they're a month old..


Well-Known Member
Did you presoak your rock wool to 5.5 and rinse it with 5.8 after soaking?
How long have they been rooting in the cups?
Are they root bound?
Pop one out of the cup and look at the roots!
I grow in rock wool too!
Picture 187.jpg


I soaked in 5.5 didn't flush. they had some good roots going. I already transplanted in buckets. gonna flower anyway. see how it goes. still want to know what they're craving and how to fix em.


Well-Known Member
I would bet their root bound! You have a lot of drooping going on this is why I'm thinking root bound! I'm have 1 in growcubes and 2 in the loose bulk adsorbent that I believe you're using! Except I grow from seeds they would root bound I had to put'em in 5 gallon pots and I don't even know the sex yet! But they really took off!
Picture 191.jpgPicture 190.jpg


well see Bout the root bound part within a few days if they perk up.. I still think they need something but not sure what. they're getting nutes and cal mag


Well-Known Member
What is your feeding cycle?

What lighting system are you using?

What is the concept that you are using that resulted in you choosing to grow in small cups like that?


I'm using cups because I have lots of loose rockwool and it's really cheap to do. dollar store cups + 60lb bag of rockwool is thousands of cups filled.

feeding is once a day now that I transplanted. but was 3 times when in tray. I did over water them at one point. but was a while ago. only planed on having em in cups for 2 weeks or less. but they grew slow. and mh lighting is 1000w mh air cooled


Well-Known Member
when you say feeding do you mean watering or watering with food in it? Cause those plants look totally underfed


I had them under nutes. highest was about 750@ 3 weeks old from rooted clone. I'm about to start flowering them soon. flora nova series nutes. I hope they perk up and flower


so most of them made a recovery. I transplanted and upped nutes to 1100ppm. and added some bloom nutes in too. so I'm mh conclusion they were under nuted.