Leaves yellowing. 5wk old plant looks like it's only 2wks old!


Hello my plant is dying. For the last three weeks I've been fighting an uphill battle with the yellowing of leaves, bottom up, tip to stem. Also the nodes appeared but failed to develop and have also died out.

It has been on an 18/6 light schedule with mostly sunlight and cfls when it gets dark. The soil is made up of MG soil/perlite/peat w/ dolomite lime and a pinch of epsom salts in a 1 gallon container. I'm using GH nutes. It's just been fed and the soil was ph tested to be less than 6.8. Am I wasting my time with this plant or can it be saved. This is my first grow.



Well-Known Member
PH is a bit high, the I don't know what you've done but I don't understand how that plant can be so small.


Check out my post - No THC on buds.

Looks like you may have chlorosis which is caused by high PH and this locks out the nutes anf turns the plant yellow.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
If that plant is 5 weeks old then you have serious problems. In 5 weeks that plant should have been almost 2 feet tall. It looks like you're not getting good lighting. Also possible nute lockout. Are you taking it in and out of the sunlight? Outdoor sunlight is not right for vegging right now, especially if you live in a colder climate. You may be shocking the hell out of it when you go inside to outside.

And your soil looks like its a brick, but that may just be the camera.


If that plant is 5 weeks old then you have serious problems. In 5 weeks that plant should have been almost 2 feet tall. It looks like you're not getting good lighting. Also possible nute lockout. Are you taking it in and out of the sunlight? Outdoor sunlight is not right for vegging right now, especially if you live in a colder climate. You may be shocking the hell out of it when you go inside to outside.

And your soil looks like its a brick, but that may just be the camera.
The plant is in a tropical climate that is very close to the equator-- it's hot and humid here year round. How much different is the sunlight here compared to everywhere else? It would receive ~12hrs of sunlight then another 6hrs under three 14w CFLs. My camera isn't the best under low light conditions so what you saw was the perlite. Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
If that plant is 5 weeks old then you have serious problems. In 5 weeks that plant should have been almost 2 feet tall. It looks like you're not getting good lighting. Also possible nute lockout. Are you taking it in and out of the sunlight? Outdoor sunlight is not right for vegging right now, especially if you live in a colder climate. You may be shocking the hell out of it when you go inside to outside.

And your soil looks like its a brick, but that may just be the camera.
I aint saying this to knock you or anything, but the sunlight is fine for vegging outside while the sun is out and inside under lighting to make a long enough to keep it in veg schedule.