leaves yellowing and dying.. turning brown too


Well-Known Member
So the yellowing started with my cotyledons, they turned totally yellow and fell off. That's normal.
Next, the second oldest set of leaves (the single ones) are turning VERY yellow now, and turning brown... they are dying it looks like.. I think that is normal too, the plant no longer needs them.

But now, a new problem... the NEXT oldest set of leaves (not the fans, but the 3 finger ones are starting to yellow and die too... I don't think this is normal.

Is my plant getting nute burned from my MG soil? That's the only thing I can assume, a few fan leaves have some burns on them too... but those ones arent spreading... and look nothing like the other ones.. I think my lightbulb made those burns....

Why is my plant yellowing


Well-Known Member
Its 27 days old, and its bagseed. Not sure what strain, it's definitely indica dominant. Check my grow journal in my sig


Well-Known Member
Those are old pictures by 2 days.... it's a lot worse now.

My lights go on at 2PM, and its 1:07, so I guess check back in 55 minutes and I'll post pics when the lights go on.


Well-Known Member
My pot is a pretty decent size..
I've seen people grow huge plants in pots that are smaller than mine... and how would repotting help? I only have the same soil... I can't find any of that Fox Farms Ocean Forest stuff near me


Well-Known Member
Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad
bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad
bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad

rep 219z

Active Member
it's probably not MG. I'm growing in pro-mix, 3 weeks of veg and getting the same exact problem that you're stating.

I tested runoff PH and it was < 5.

Raised it to 6.6 and they've been doing DECENT for a few days. I think it's still spreading though. Time will tell.

Ebban Flow

Well-Known Member
Order Fox Farm soil if it's not available in your area, or you could mix your own soil. I made my own mix using peat moss, vermiculite, worm castings, perlite, and a small amount of guano. HTG supply is a good place to order stuff from, good prices and fast discreet shipping.
I'm unsure exactly what's causing your problem but I would think it's a nute problem and or PH problem. Your best bet though is to stay away from the time release fertilizers like MG soils. It's harder to control and know exactly whats going on in your soil. By using a soil that has no fertilizer in it you control exactly what and how much nutes are in there at all times by adding them yourself.

Good luck.

rep 219z

Active Member
here's a picture...as you can see, dead brown on bottom, yellowing in the middle and "burn" marks on the tops...


Medical User

Well-Known Member
Repotting and adding sand and perlite might help. I have grown in MG and it grows nice plants. but it retains a lot of moisture. Adding perlite and or sand would help drainage and stop the root rot you could be experiencing.


Well-Known Member
So its progressing worse..
Even in the last few hours, my plant looks sicker..

Those 3 finger leaves are touching the ground now, and the stems look very limp.


Well-Known Member
u need to get them out of that MG. immediatly! if they survive, the yeild and potency will b reduced. its bad stuff fer weed dood. the timed release nutes in em r strong and not the right type fer weed.