Leaves yellowing, browning at tips, and curling up... fast.


New Member
Hi folks,

The lowest leaves have been yellow for a while, possibly due to a combination of inadequate nutrition and high pH (tapwater about 6.5-7), which I've been treating with fertilizer every week or two. Over the past few days, even the upper leaves (of all four of my plants) have begun browning and yellowing along the leaf margins (irregularly), and curling up a bit. It has been very hot (30s Celsius) and humid the past few days, and there was a thunderstorm last night. I fertilized last night also, and for the first time added 10mL of vinegar to my 10L watering can, but the final pH was only 5.5 so I doubt that caused this. Of note, a disease is rapidly killing my tomatoes, planted nearby, with similar features, and a similar time course, so I'm concerned this is an infection.

1) Pics (of several plants):
(whole plant)
(one leaf, top)
(one leaf, bottom)
2) Growing indoor or outdoors
Outdoors, on a windy balcony.
3) Watering schedule
Depends on conditions, but generally when the top of the soil is dry, though not for the past few days due to concerns about encouraging fungi.
4) Growing Medium
Standard potting soil.
5) What stage of growth
Vegetative, roughly 8 weeks.

Your advice is much appreciated.

Deff second the ph I bet if you get your soil ph to where it should be uoir plant can use the proper nutrition on soil might also have excess or lack of
Cal or mag prob cause ph is off. After fix the ph problem plant will prob start drying out a lot quicker.
Someone else should be able to help with the fungus I don’t personally know. Good luck
Having similar issue I am about 3 to 4 weeks in
Growing 2 GG#4 lower leaves are yellow and brown tips curling up
Been feeding with water ph'd at about 6.5 every 3 days small dose cal mag plus to 500ppm
Soil ph 6.8
Light 16" from plant 4" ventilation system and 2 fans in grow tent for air circulation
Brent grower please help will post pics
Hi folks,

The lowest leaves have been yellow for a while, possibly due to a combination of inadequate nutrition and high pH (tapwater about 6.5-7), which I've been treating with fertilizer every week or two. Over the past few days, even the upper leaves (of all four of my plants) have begun browning and yellowing along the leaf margins (irregularly), and curling up a bit. It has been very hot (30s Celsius) and humid the past few days, and there was a thunderstorm last night. I fertilized last night also, and for the first time added 10mL of vinegar to my 10L watering can, but the final pH was only 5.5 so I doubt that caused this. Of note, a disease is rapidly killing my tomatoes, planted nearby, with similar features, and a similar time course, so I'm concerned this is an infection.

1) Pics (of several plants):
(whole plant)
(one leaf, top)
(one leaf, bottom)
2) Growing indoor or outdoors
Outdoors, on a windy balcony.
3) Watering schedule
Depends on conditions, but generally when the top of the soil is dry, though not for the past few days due to concerns about encouraging fungi.
4) Growing Medium
Standard potting soil.
5) What stage of growth
Vegetative, roughly 8 weeks.

Your advice is much appreciated.

Blight? My tomato plants got it and if you don't destroy the plants that have it, it will spread in the wind and stick to any wet leaves and cause that plant to die as well. Destroy (burn) the tomato plants that have it (once they've got it, it's over for that plant) and try to get rid of the disease on the weed as best you can.