Leaves yellowing from inside out ... nute deficiency


Active Member
Been googling this for hours trying to compare nutrient deficiencies with the ones from charts/images, wondering what you all think?nutedeficiency.jpgdeficiency.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like either magnesium or nitrogen to me, but whats causing the deficiency is the real problem. Need more info: Lighting, grow medium, Nutrients, feed schedule, Ph, etc. From my experience on this site, 75% of all the problems with deficiencies are due to ph.


Active Member
Looks like either magnesium or nitrogen to me, but whats causing the deficiency is the real problem. Need more info: Lighting, grow medium, Nutrients, feed schedule, Ph, etc. From my experience on this site, 75% of all the
problems with deficiencies are due to ph.
PH fluctuates up to 6.5, i adjust it back down to 5.2, repeat. Using GH Flora nutes (gro/micro/bloom). using 400watt light dimmed to 300w. change reservoir out every week. this last reservoir change i put 10ml of Gro, 5ml of micro, 3ml of bloom. 1gallon reservoir. Grow medoum is aerogarden sponge, roots suspended in hydro dwc. thanks for the reply. sorry about the clustered reply, im on my phone


Well-Known Member
I think the problem may be with that big of a fluctuation of PH, .1 is actually = to 100 so when the ph goes from 5.2-6.5 thats really a 1300 point rise. Optimum ph for Hydro especially DWC for veg would be ~5.8 but hydro should always be between 5.5-6.5; 5.2 could be hindering your plants ability to uptake the specific nutes it needs therefore showing a deficiency. Different nutrients are unable to be taken by roots in certain PH levels, its all chemical reactions. Maybe try to adjust the level everyday, i know its a pain but it helps a lot.


Well-Known Member
6.5 is way too high for DWC and 5.2pH is too low. Try using a 1:1:1 ratio of grow:micro:bloom as it sounds like you may be using too much potassium (from the grow).

Those quick changes in pH are not normal or good. What is your ppm at after you add everything?


Active Member
750ppm. What ppm do you suggest? plants are about 6" tall. Odd thing is the other plant is doing just fine and they share same Res. Both bagseed lol, but derive from medical.
6.5 is way too high for DWC and 5.2pH is too low. Try using a 1:1:1 ratio of grow:micro:bloom as it sounds like you may be using too much potassium (from the grow).

Those quick changes in pH are not normal or good. What is your ppm at after you add everything?


Well-Known Member
750ppm is fine, but a 3:2:1 gro:micro:bloom ratio is probably why pH is rising so fast. I've used GH flora 1:1:1 before in veg with excellent results.

750ppm. What ppm do you suggest? plants are about 6" tall. Odd thing is the other plant is doing just fine and they share same Res. Both bagseed lol, but derive from medical.


Well-Known Member
Increase reservoir size. Your various nutrient components are depleted at different rates.

Such a small reservoir will be quickly unbalanced by a larger plant as your pH flux indicates.


Active Member
i have 2 3.5gal buckets with 6" netpot lids , and clay pebbles as a medium. could I just take the aerogarden sponge and transfer that in with the pebbles?


Active Member
success! I dangled the roots down through the netpot into each of the bucket reservoir (2 gallons of RO water in each 3.5 gal bucket) then I coiled the excess roots and had assistance in putting the clay pebbles around the aerogarden sponge to set it in place.

Also have a monstrous airstone in each bucket, the water is bubbling like a virgin dick about to cum for the first time

Now the waiting game, lets hope they love it

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Active Member
update - roots made their way into the buckets from the netpot lids, leaves on the plant seem to be repairing themselves. PH seems to be more steady, only rises .3-.5 every 12hrs or so. thanks guys