leaves yellowing


Well-Known Member
Are the plants in flower is so then they can yellow in the first few weeks and this is not a problem.if only the odd leave is yellowing during veg then it will prob nitrogean problen flush with just water set at around 5.5ph.and then leave for a few days to dry if leaves are realy yellow and there is only a few take them off so that you can assess the problem better they may just be old foolige and be dieing naturaly.if it carrys on use a little sea weed exstract.butbut read the box you only need the littlest bit.If you are leaveing your water to sit set the ph at 5.5 after you have added nutrients this way it always rises alittle while sat it ends up around 6 /6.5ph this is fine to feed your plant.All though i never try to go above 5.5/6.0ph and it is not very often i have any problems since learning this tip at one of the stand at the cannabis cup.If you can keep your ph around the same your problems will decrease 10 fold.


Well-Known Member
yes i leave my tap water t stand and lower the ph t around 6.5-7 in soil.
they are 5 weeks in veg n r yet be given any nutes . do ya think i should feed with a half dose on my next watering or carry on just watering as normal as i have just transplanted them in t 10 inch pots


Well-Known Member
Are the plants in flower is so then they can yellow in the first few weeks and this is not a problem.if only the odd leave is yellowing during veg then it will prob nitrogean problen flush with just water set at around 5.5ph.and then leave for a few days to dry if leaves are realy yellow and there is only a few take them off so that you can assess the problem better they may just be old foolige and be dieing naturaly.if it carrys on use a little sea weed exstract.butbut read the box you only need the littlest bit.If you are leaveing your water to sit set the ph at 5.5 after you have added nutrients this way it always rises alittle while sat it ends up around 6 /6.5ph this is fine to feed your plant.All though i never try to go above 5.5/6.0ph and it is not very often i have any problems since learning this tip at one of the stand at the cannabis cup.If you can keep your ph around the same your problems will decrease 10 fold.

thanx tyke are growin hydro or in soil ??


Well-Known Member
yes i leave my tap water t stand and lower the ph t around 6.5-7 in soil.
they are 5 weeks in veg n r yet be given any nutes . do ya think i should feed with a half dose on my next watering or carry on just watering as normal as i have just transplanted them in t 10 inch pots
yes use ferts it needs em

1: your not heat stressing them and burning them are ya

could be magnesium defisience get some epsom salts but your ferts may contain some already then you should be right.

id start with mild ferts now :) start using ferts in a day or two i would


Well-Known Member
I dont know what is causing ur problem but to me it looks like a ca deficiency starting in pic 3, its hard to tell. Since u are using tap water u really dont klnow what u are adding to the plant and when it will be too much... Tap water is overloaded with ca, fe, and mg. U could have a lockout going on because of all those and other salts in ur water. If u insist on using tap water, when u water u need to make sure u get 15-25% runoff so it washes out the old salts from the last watering, otherwise u will have to flush once u catch the plant in lockout mode. If u are watering in that fashion (where u get runoff) u probably just need nutes. If u are not getting runoff when u water, I think u need to flush. After u flush u should add nutes.


Well-Known Member
Now that i look again I see mg and ca deficiencies or lockout for sure. The reason I think it is lockout is because they are both becoming deficient and they will both lock each other out when there is too much. The third pic says it all. If u look on the bottom half of the leaf on the right side u will see two brown specs outlined in a darker color brown. That is a sure fire way to know it is ca. Then u have green veins and yellowing in between, thats mg....


Well-Known Member
yes use ferts it needs em

1: your not heat stressing them and burning them are ya

could be magnesium defisience get some epsom salts but your ferts may contain some already then you should be right.

id start with mild ferts now :) start using ferts in a day or two i would

cheers jester would u recommend foliar fedding epsom salts with maybe sum fizzy water for a bit of xtra oxygen.

it peopl like u n tyke that keep us newbys goin lol


Well-Known Member
Now that i look again I see mg and ca deficiencies or lockout for sure. The reason I think it is lockout is because they are both becoming deficient and they will both lock each other out when there is too much. The third pic says it all. If u look on the bottom half of the leaf on the right side u will see two brown specs outlined in a darker color brown. That is a sure fire way to know it is ca. Then u have green veins and yellowing in between, thats mg....

thanx phelps yh i do get sum runoff when i water so wot i wil do is giv them a mild feed n mayb a foliar wiv sum epsom salts n if the problem persists i will flush thanx again


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt...

if do soil only first :)

and thanks man
I was going to say nitrogen when I saw you say yellowing, but that doesn't look right for nitrogen - they'd be a more uniform yellow than that I'd say.

So the others guys are probably on to something with their suggests of ca etc.

It could be tap water. I saw something very similar on mine when they were about 18" to to 30" high. I was using mine straight from the tap but it's only fed to them for a quarter of an hour a day (run to waste) and the tank has an airtstone 24/7, which should knock most of the chlorine out of it.

Another possibility is frost bite? I'll offer it as a suggestion because I could be miles off if you live somewhere warm. But if air below about 5C gets to the plants they show a similar problem. The leaf tend to 'dry up' go all twisted and dead.

Oh, I'd also look at dropping the pH a bit. It may be that the nutrients it's after are locked in the soil. Adding more might encourage burn, so I'd go for a slightly lower pH first.

-if you like my reply, pls vote in my bulb poll (sig)-


Well-Known Member
I was going to say nitrogen when I saw you say yellowing, but that doesn't look right for nitrogen - they'd be a more uniform yellow than that I'd say.

So the others guys are probably on to something with their suggests of ca etc.

It could be tap water. I saw something very similar on mine when they were about 18" to to 30" high. I was using mine straight from the tap but it's only fed to them for a quarter of an hour a day (run to waste) and the tank has an airtstone 24/7, which should knock most of the chlorine out of it.

Another possibility is frost bite? I'll offer it as a suggestion because I could be miles off if you live somewhere warm. But if air below about 5C gets to the plants they show a similar problem. The leaf tend to 'dry up' go all twisted and dead.

Oh, I'd also look at dropping the pH a bit. It may be that the nutrients it's after are locked in the soil. Adding more might encourage burn, so I'd go for a slightly lower pH first.

-if you like my reply, pls vote in my bulb poll (sig)-
yeah but he already said hes not using ferts yet so im sticking with

N,Mg,Ca and maybe some heat/light stress perhaps. i think it needs a bit of each personally.

like i said i think it really needs some so id start with ferts now...

sorry but i dont think you get my vote this time peaches.. ya get a rep tho cos its all good advise :)

but seriously ive seen this happen a fair bit.. simply solve by mild nutes.. like he said he hasnt used any yet.. so basically your plants showing you it needs some... really weak doses to begin with.


Well-Known Member
cheers jester would u recommend foliar fedding epsom salts with maybe sum fizzy water for a bit of xtra oxygen.

it peopl like u n tyke that keep us newbys goin lol
Fizzy water is CO2, not oxygen. U can foilar feed with epsom salts but I dont think that is your prob. Everyone thinks it is a magic cure but it adds loads of salt to your medium and can cause u problems down the road.
Is there a reason u are hesitant to start nutes? U are probably missing out on 50% growth by not using nutes. My friend grew in miracle grow soil w/o using any extra nutes, but the soil had three months worth supposedly. He got 6 ounces off of 12 plants under 1000watts. Next go he used nutes per my suggestion and did everything else exactly the same and he got 1.25 lbs, over 3 times as he did without. I agree with Jester, u should be using nutes. I would go atleast 800ppm if u have a developed rootzone. I havent grown from seed in a while but with my clones, I feed them 1400ppm right out of the rooting chamber when they look like this.
If they dont have a solid root zone, like these dont
they dont survive.


Well-Known Member
yeah but he already said hes not using ferts yet so im sticking with

N,Mg,Ca and maybe some heat/light stress perhaps. i think it needs a bit of each personally.

like i said i think it really needs some so id start with ferts now...

sorry but i dont think you get my vote this time peaches.. ya get a rep tho cos its all good advise :)

but seriously ive seen this happen a fair bit.. simply solve by mild nutes.. like he said he hasnt used any yet.. so basically your plants showing you it needs some... really weak doses to begin with.
sorry it been a while lol but thanx again jester i followed youd advice n it got a lil bit worse the first few days but both my babies are growing strong:lol:



Well-Known Member
Fizzy water is CO2, not oxygen. U can foilar feed with epsom salts but I dont think that is your prob. Everyone thinks it is a magic cure but it adds loads of salt to your medium and can cause u problems down the road.
Is there a reason u are hesitant to start nutes? U are probably missing out on 50% growth by not using nutes. My friend grew in miracle grow soil w/o using any extra nutes, but the soil had three months worth supposedly. He got 6 ounces off of 12 plants under 1000watts. Next go he used nutes per my suggestion and did everything else exactly the same and he got 1.25 lbs, over 3 times as he did without. I agree with Jester, u should be using nutes. I would go atleast 800ppm if u have a developed rootzone. I havent grown from seed in a while but with my clones, I feed them 1400ppm right out of the rooting chamber when they look like this.
View attachment 353408
View attachment 353409
If they dont have a solid root zone, like these dont
View attachment 353080
they dont survive.

as a newb i welcome any advice phelps lookin at your pix i will now start using nutes as soon as possible for my babies. As i lve in the uk n dont have a grow store nearby for easy access to nutes etc. could u suggest any garden center nutes for veg??? ANY1???


Well-Known Member
they got worse shit sorry bro i honestly though i was right....

or did you mean its started pulling through sinse you done what i said???