leaves yellowing


Well-Known Member
I would lower the nutrients for a week or so see how you go with that flush them then add a little bat gwarno or seaweed exsract look for one wit a high nitrogean content.like i have just said to the above post make a small box say 1mtr/3ft then add some horse manure this is great for plants and is dirt cheep even better than that is cow shyt.put it in the box along with a few worms these help break down the stuff added find a nice bit of top soil and add any vegatable that have been trimmed before cooking.you have to make a box that can be turned easy needs turning upside down each week add plenty of earth worms these are a key factor and break the earth down easy.i always run any soil from the compost maker through a sive to make sure that you aint bringing any bad insects in your grow area.good luck bro.don't need to worry about the smell after a few weeks this goes leaveing you with 100%grade a compost but with a high nitrogean content.