leaving town ... how to water plants??


Well-Known Member
I had this happen once where I had to leave town for 5 days, 3 plants at 5 weeks into flower in 5 gallon buckets under a 400w HPS. So what I did was plan a sort of mini flush for them, unplugged my hps and set up cfls around the plants so they had less intense light(less intense light=less heat and higher humidty=less thirsty plants), made sure my timer was all good and when I came back the soil was still a bit moist. You might loose a little bit of bud growth time but once you switch back to the hps it'll kick back into gear. Also keep the fans blowing good as the humidity will rise as a precaution against mold and mildew growth.


Well-Known Member
A plant can easily go 4 days without water. I went away for 7 days and they survived.
Remember it's a plant it's not like it rains every 2 days outside and they survive.
A large flowering plant in the 7th week of flower will suck up the water though. My 5 foot sativa right now drinks 2 gallons every 2 days and this is only in early flower. Leave a large fully flowering plant alone for 7 days without water and it will be a wilted mess when you return I guarantee.


Well-Known Member
I made the mistake of going away for 4 days and pre-feeding to account for those days. I came back to them all over fert and nearly dry. I wish I'd just got back to them slightly def and dry.

I would allow them to dry as much as poss the day b4 u leave and then do the mini flush suggested above. This is what I would do.


Im Curious about this flushing stuff .. I only used power flower for the first 4 weeks , ever since ive been using straight water. Do i really need to flush???