Thanks Z

^^^ Did someone around here ever think to patent COB based grow lights and their techniques? I swear SDS or Poz built something like this one time
"The configurations can vary in the type of COB installed and in the required powers. COB9 has been studied and simulated to handle high powers, with selected components and high quality materials, able to maintain low temperatures and high performance prolonged in time. The system will be updated in the future by the user, with more and more efficient high performance components and parts, suitable for the specific application, when available by individual producers and compatible/adaptable to the system. Designed, engineered, built, assembled and tested in Italy.
Active cooling for each COB with dedicated power supplies, high pressure adjustable fans with switch in three positions. High efficiency anodized aluminum CNC machined heatsink, planarized, grinded and polished with controlled roughness. The system is designed and calculated to be used in controlled environments for uniformly irradiate a surface up to 140cmX140cm with unique performance and spectrum. "
I should of got a copyright or patent on my speaker box design. optic straight up copied everything from the black anodized knobs to the speaker grill and round cut outs, color scheme...
Think I still have copyright protection from posting it on my journal though? Cease and desist order? Nah...not going to that ugly place..
It was a good design...but for diy...not sale. Not up to my standard of what a product should be. For friends at about zero profit fine....
I wish them bad luck for being such flagrant copiers and aggressive and rude salesman.
I wish all the ones that came up with original designs the best of luck with their endeavors.
zangs was always a favorite of mine from the first time it was shown. Thats what I like to see...and why I didn't jump in with a bud box.
I do have a design I've got pretty well worked in a cad program. Its my dream light and what I personally want it to be. Even if just for my growroom and personal friends...friends of friends. There is a small demand where I am at.
Safe to say I won't post any pics of it until it is realized...if ever..haha. I did meet a good contact for getting it made...kinda came out of nowhere. Have a feeling it will cost too much to produce but...will see....