Well-Known Member
Bars came along time before raz or GM. But just for a little history lesson...How many Polock's does it take to screw down a cob?
Seriously - looks like they jacked @Rahz 's design
August 15th, 2015...finished and painted...completed thought and going up over a grow...

August 30th, 2015(2weeks later) finished the prototype, that was a box, not a long shroud cover heatsink, that he moved to months later...

Not till november 13th did the shroud bar make an appearance.

This is nothing against anyone...nobody ripped off anyone. No one can own the bars design. It's one of the few ways to skin the cat. I have pics posted on RIU from 2014 with 36" 4 cob bars and par readings. Supra was rocking ~24-30" bars before me. The bar started a long time ago.


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