The way I see things about blue leds .....
Of course plants do need blue photons ...
But ....
Blue photons are way "powerful" ...
Blue light ,at general ,affects living cells ,in an "negative" way...
It causes water molecules to vibrate ,causes DNA mutations ,generates free radical oxygen roots ,destroys cell & nucleous walls ( membranes ),etc ...
Well ....At least higher plant cells (and whole organisms ),have developed a really good "defence " system ,against short wavelength E/M radiation ...
At sea level that short wavelength radiation ,from natural sunlight ,begins somewhere around ~280 nm (UV B ) ...
Still ,those short wavelegths of light ..particles ... ,
disperse pretty much ,passing through different layers of Earth's atmosphere ....
Dispersion of blue light .....
For me ,that's the
main issue ,a led designer ,has to deal with ,regarding blue light ....
( Power levels :
Trust me ...
It goes like this ,simplyfied ...
Much " blue " ? { >5-8% of total flux } ....
-Open stomata
-Low PS rates
-Short internodal distance /low streching or not at all .
-Dense branching
-high nutrient content (anti-oxidants )
-High quality yield (terpenes/aroma /taste )
-LOW yields
-High phototropism
-Low Nitrogen assimilation
That's what I can come up with ,right now .... )
Back to dispersion ...
Leds and their conical shaped light output .......
Dispersion ...
How to do it ,with few powerful blue leds ,to cover a surface ( relatively small/restricted )
and still do not have negative impact on plants ....?
Might be worth , to "sacrifice " a bit of efficiency ,in order to get more dispersion ?
Anyways ,thin film die tech and CLC ( Chip Level Conversion ) ,offer really low efficiency losses ,in todays phosphor covered blue dies ....
So ,might be worth (
always regarding a small area and not bedding green leafies as cultivated plants ... ) instead of using
few blue leds ,to use
more numbers (more expensive-more heat issues -size ,thus weight issues -driving -etc)
of whites ?
Moreover using whites ,as a bonus multispectral bands ,are introduced ...
Forget that myth ,that there are wls that plants do not use ...
Not in the region 300-740 nm,at least ...
Above ~750 ,yes ,plants do reflect all wls ,at >70% ...

<= light power reflectance from
several different species and specimens of higher plants ...
....Violet wls
are more reflected that green ones ,inside the visible range of PAR
...But to our vision ,green light ..dominates ...
And further more
Relative (PS ) quantum yield of different wls ...

After photon absorption occurs ...
How many moles of glucose are produced per certain amount of photons absorbed ....
1 is max efficiency / quantum yield .....
So ...First measure how many photons are per given power of given wl ...
Then ,what is their absorption percentage ..
(-How many of them are harvested from chloroplasts per time unit ..
At certain PS operation frequency ...~4Hz ....)
And then ..Through RQE ,how many of them are turned into ....biomass (matter )
Green Range PS RQE : min =0.71 , max =0.99
Red range PS RQE : min =0.61 , max =1
Blue range RQE : min =0.66 , max = 0.76 ...
Green/yellow photons at average ,produce more biomass than blue ones ..
Taking into account : total power of both ranges at nat .sunlight , thus total photon number of each range ,
dispersion of range and absorption percentages of each range ....And finally their RQE ....
In plants grown under natural sunlight ,might even be surpassing the red range,at certain cases ....
Might be the most productive PS ' photon pool' range ,actually ....

But not something to mimic ,utilising leds .....
Unless total flux approaches that of nat. sunlight levels ....
*PS= ' Photosynthesis '
Whites ....
Not a simple "topic" at all .....
Anyway ....
I'll give some "food " for thought ...
I do not want to be "tiring " or "boring " ,cause of long posts ....
Imagine this :
A led panel .
Say it has
-40 x Red leds at 620-640 nm ( output 400mW = 20x 400 = 16 Watt of red 620-640 nm )
-40 x Red leds at 640-660 nm ( output 400mW = 20x 400 = 16 Watt of red 640-660 nm)
-6 x Blue leds (440-460 nm range ) ( output 500mW = 20x 400 = 3 Watt of blue )
( Blue : ~8.5 % Red : ~91.5 % )
Think of how to place the blue leds on the panel ,to get best power dispersion and coverage at same time ....
Now ...Blues go away .. ...
Panel now has
-40 x Red leds at 620-640 nm ( output 400mW = 20x 400 = 16 Watt of red 620-640 nm )
-40 x Red leds at 640-660 nm ( output 400mW = 20x 400 = 16 Watt of red 640-660 nm)
- 25 x CW 6500°K leds ( output 400mW = 25x 400 = 10 Watt of CW light ..With ~28-30% blue in it ....Blue = ~3 Watt ...)
Yeah ...but ...
Now there's 19 more leds used,than instead of 6 blues ....
Yes ,but how about dispersion ?
And ...
CW 6500°K leds used at second case ...
Offer also ....-
Green (500 – 599nm) :46%
-Red (600 – 699nm):24%
-Far Red (700 – 750nm): 2%
24% of 10 Watts is 2.4 Watts ...
Hmm ...
Does that means that we can take off some red leds ...?
6 of them ?
Which they are going to be removed ,depends on which red wls ,CW has ...
So ...Minus 6x 620-640 ?
Difference went to 13 leds ...
How about if instead of CW ,NW were used ....?
Whoa..Wait a min ...
What about WW ?