Okay what you all have been waiting for, well sort of... I am telling you measuring, cutting, installing, taping, drilling is time consuming not to mention material runs to town for additional hose, zip ties, hvac tape, tubing etc... wow takes up a lot of time. Hopefully I've gotten somewhere, well I have not completed in that I have the floor to do yet, however from the ceiling down inside I got one 4x4 area with two lights hung and a ecoplus oscillating fan hanging of the far wall
The gals in here are BC and a little distress (fighting of fungi attack) well be soon brewing some compost tea, right now they've also been under an under powered light for where they normally would be this cycle of life. I will also be top dressing with super soil and placing these gals into PHOGS, that is my passive hydroponic organic grow system. I've been keeping fungus at bay with neem protek mix foiliar spray. I'm going to veg them a little till they rebound healthy before switching lights over.
Tomorrow I will complete the installation of the other lights well at least there suspension system for one light is overheating and shutting of and it has to be sent back for replacement. Awaiting to hear from Rapid on that one.
In the process of sealing this up from the ground up I will need to put in a door two, which I've designed a break away door between the 2 foot area in the middle of the walled frame. It will be two feet wide obliviously and 5 and half feet it will detach like a rectangular hatch from one foot off the floor to 6 and half feet up. I will seal the edges and secure this pop off frame / hatch with velcro another item I need to as well.
Here are a few pics to fill in the blanks..
Oh yeah silver hvac tap in random spots on panda film is where lumber ripped up against, since pieces would slip and fall as I tried to instal alone.
This is one half view, complete pics when finished other side and the floor.

MMM, on the way to SWAGADELLIC...
DankSwaging it baby...