LED dimmed to 25%

Hi guys, I have had my LED light dimmed to 25% for the last 2 or 3 weeks, when should I turn it up to 50%? It's a Lumatek Zeus Pro and it's about 20 inches away from the plants, should I turn it up to 50% and raise the light up a bit? Because I'm kind of confused when I should do it. Any help would be appreciated :weed:
Get a cheap lux meter on Amazon there like 30 bucks and convert it
To me
Making changes in bunches is never a good idea
I might have increased light and watched results
Just raising light and increasing output was like doing nothing at all
I learn by watching plants and researching
I’ve never learned a thing making multiple changes because I don’t know which was helpful
Just my 2 cents
I would have liked to have seen the op’s growth after a couple days of just increasing output :weed:
I deleted it because I am paranoid. I can go and grab some more photos if it helps :-)
Just make sure it has no location data and you don't post that picture anywhere else is what I do for security and I'm in CA where it's legal but I worry about rippers. The thing I noticed about your plant was it looked like it needed a little more humidity. hth
Just make sure it has no location data and you don't post that picture anywhere else is what I do for security and I'm in CA where it's legal but I worry about rippers. The thing I noticed about your plant was it looked like it needed a little more humidity. hth
I don't know how to remove location data. And yes you are right. The humidity is a little bit on the low side, around 50 - 55%. I have a run to waste system and there's no where to put my humidifier on the floor
I've turned the light up to 50% and I'm struggling with the heat again. It's gone up from 25c to 27c
Anyway you'll get a lot better help with their eyes on it. I'm pretty much an intermediate grower at best (I smoke a lot of pot and am lazy). So I'd risk showing them images just google remove location data for your type phone/camera and get some with location off.