Led first time grow


Well-Known Member
New picture update today, we ended up having a male in the smaller tent and pulled him out. We caught it soon enough so the rest of the plants should be fine. Onto pictures!



Well-Known Member
I have a quick question Green, why didnt you put the lights closer when you where vegging were you going for tall stretchy plants? The reason I am asking this is because I'm thinking of getting some LED's, but I want to do SCROG and get the lights as close as I can get. Doyou have to keep them a couple feet above the plants?


Well-Known Member
nice grow brotha this site has alot of ppl usin ufos whichis cool pple here been gettin some nice grows with to
heres my ufo plants one i fimmed the other i didnt toppin/fimmin is now a must with these lights an so is lst the fimmed plant im expect 3+ dry and the other half that



Well-Known Member
nice grow brotha this site has alot of ppl usin ufos whichis cool pple here been gettin some nice grows with to
heres my ufo plants one i fimmed the other i didnt toppin/fimmin is now a must with these lights an so is lst the fimmed plant im expect 3+ dry and the other half that
Niiiiiice Stoney I love your pics and advise earlier how lobg did you veg your bush? and do u also use cfls?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the compliments on the pics just got a cam so they willimprove greatly i strongly believe in a nice veg to build up the roots and get the plant ready to flower out heavy i vegged for 4wks then fimed and letem recover for 2 or 3 more weeks then tossed into flower im on my 5th or 6th run with these and i definatley came along way and have a few tips for ya that work great for me with these lights im gonna have my best harvest yet any day now cant wait to see what this lady weighs out to . topping fimming is a must the more tops u can get the better prunning is very helpful to these light dont penitrate far so cut the undergrowth out completely 2 weeks into flower. then lst the shit out of em and once you see the budz forming i add the cfls and place them exactly where i want under the canopy around the plant shit i even bend a nice branch tie it to the handle on my bucket and drop a cfl in the space that open up it makes my buds chunky i mix up the spec with 2700 and 6500s aof all different watts depending on where its going to be put i was thinking about getting the sat system from hid hut but imo its not worth it it is better to add the cfls like i do cause i can place them in perfect places very close to the plant with the sat system they will be at least 3-6 in from the tops where they will not be very helpful cfls are most helpful when they are as close as possible anything further then 3in seems like a waste another thing i did was cut my plant count down i flower 1 plant per ufo and am doin better then when i flowered 3 this is not a 400w light i treated it like it was when i fisrt got it and my yield suffered i look at it this way heres the math 1gper watt
400w=400g=1gper now with a 90=400 in order to pull the same 400gs it would be 4.444444g per watt which imo is completely inpossible with ne light if ne baody pulls numbers anything like that please speak up now i undersatnd most ppl dont pull 1g per watt but these numbers are for referance even if u spit it in half thats 2.5g per watt which i couldnt pull when was runnin 1000s with mag hoods co2 . placement of the cfls is the key to being productive with them if theyre just atop your canopy they will do much less the if u place it 1in fron the inside of 4 branches u trained around it . if u like i can explain more about how to manipulate ur plant and cfl placement on ur thread i dont want to blow up his awsome show more then i already did
heres some pheno of icecreme for yall though we call her stinky pinky
and a pick with light placement and some training so u can get an idea on what im doin
peace stone

