led flowering


please has anyone actally flowered under led's? im willin to part with the cash but only if they actually work. heard led supernova ones are good cant find the right ones though and of course real ufo's. i havent grown before but i really want to its just it seems stupid not to just go with a good led light if they work. but ive never seen pics that i trusted - e.g. that stupid one where its an led in the middle of a warehouse kinda thing and all the other lights are hid... it just seems so much less hassle with bits an bobs etc etc. im wantin a 4x4 tent and would love it if i could use an led instead of hid just for leccy bill let alone heat issues etc.


Active Member
I have not but I'm thinking about trying out the LED lights they have at the store. They have then in 6500K and in 2700K kind and they only use 3.5 watts and put out a little more then 1000 lumes so by that math its about 333 lumes per watt.

Once I get my garden going I'll let you know.

Brick Top

New Member
The most impressive grow thread I ever followed was a totally LED grow. Several years back, on a similar board that is now defunct, a member came into a tidy sum of money and decided to dump his HID lighting and switch to LED lighting. He researched to find the very best LED lights and he purchased a good number of different styles.

Above his plants he had two large LED panels. He built what I call portable posts for the lack of a better term, 4 X 4 posts cut in sections that would stack on top of each other, with a flat piece of plywood attached to the bottom of each portable post set for balance.

Each section of stackable post was long enough to hold an LED light bar. On some portable posts he attached LED light bars to one side and on others he attached LED light bars to all four sides. He ringed his plants with portable posts with an LED on one side and once the top LED light panels were raised high enough he added more portable posts with LED light bars on all four sides between his plants. Each time the top LED lighting was raised enough for another section of portable post with more LED light bars on them he would add another section.

His plants were the thickest most lush plants I have ever seen grown indoors. The colas were massive and the buds on the lowest portions of plants were as large or larger than most I see people get just under the bottom of their colas, meaning larger than most people’s very biggest buds other than colas are.

The key to LED lighting is to purchase the highest grade LED lights available and to purchase them in sufficient numbers AND then use them in a way that they will be able to do the very most they can for the plants growing from their light.

If people did that they would throw rocks at CFLs and HID lighting and never use either ever again. In most cases people purchase low quality LEDs because of price, and purchase too few of them, again because of price, and then they tend to expect too much from them and use them incorrectly. The result is a bad rap against LED lighting when it should instead be on those who should never have spent their money on LED lighting in the first place considering how they did it.


Active Member
here's what the ones I was looking at last month

The first one is kinda the style but not as tall the 2nd gives you a better idea and is pretty much the style. They come in 6,500K and 2,700K they put out a little more then 1,000 lumes but use only 3.5 watts but they cost around $10 each

I will be trying some of thoes LED lights out to see how well they do and if they do better then the CFLs I'm gonna be using then I'll be going to LEDs and the best part is is that I don't have to worry about heat. using to much power to get enough for veg and flowering. Heck for the amount of wattage a single LED of thoes use almost 10 of them can be used in-place of a single 13w CFL.

If the LED lights work well to what I'm happy with for veg and flowering I might pick up a UVB CFL (Ultra violet bulb) to give the plants a punch to help get the crystal going good.



cheers that would be cool if you could update on whether they work well or not, i'd of loved to have seen that grow brick top. but no one themselves has actually flowered with led's? come on guys where are you there must be some one thats grown with them.


Active Member
First LED grow I ever saw was just blocks away and I was IMPRESSED. The buds were lush and heavy, the smoke was great. Thing is, his plants were about 18" tall, and EACH of them had a 90w UFO just above it. Each plant produced around 3/4 oz dry. His latest grow employed 4 of those UFOs about 3' above 15 2' to 3' plants in a 4x4 tent.....didn't work out as great.


Active Member
First LED grow I ever saw was just blocks away and I was IMPRESSED. The buds were lush and heavy, the smoke was great. Thing is, his plants were about 18" tall, and EACH of them had a 90w UFO just above it. Each plant produced around 3/4 oz dry. His latest grow employed 4 of those UFOs about 3' above 15 2' to 3' plants in a 4x4 tent.....didn't work out as great.
how big was the LED UFO pannel?


well that does sound like a problem with light getting through the canopy but im not sure. from what i've heard a sog grow isnt that great on a led but thats just what i've heard. i only want to grow 9 plants in a 4x4 using a 9 pot wilma so that might still work out ok... not sure.


Well-Known Member
I would appreciate more details on this also. I am currently growing outdoors in a less than ideal location. I live in an older home with limited electrical capacity (ancient wiring and 100 amp service). I would like to set up a closet grow, but I am a little skiddish about fire hazard and I think it would be difficult for me to control the heat factor anyway since I live in a very hot summer climate. If there is anyone out there who has had a successful grow with LED, I would sure like details on their system !


Active Member
I would appreciate more details on this also. I am currently growing outdoors in a less than ideal location. I live in an older home with limited electrical capacity (ancient wiring and 100 amp service). I would like to set up a closet grow, but I am a little skiddish about fire hazard and I think it would be difficult for me to control the heat factor anyway since I live in a very hot summer climate. If there is anyone out there who has had a successful grow with LED, I would sure like details on their system !
I have the same problum and alot of people on here keep saying to go with 400HPS and such but here I can't have any thing on more then 2 high power stuff running at the same time and any thing else turned on past thoes risk blowing a fuse. I'm thinking of going with CFLs at first because I've never used IEDs but I did get 4 bag seeds given to me and the first 3 are in a DWC under a single 45w CFL and they are bushy as heck. I'm gonna be trying an LED project but because of my limited budget I can't go crazy with lights but I'm hoping I can get 2 light fixtures, 2 LED lights, air hose and air rocks.

I did some math and the amount of LEDs that I could run of the UFO LED stuff is 25 3.5w LED lights


Active Member
how big was the LED UFO pannel?

They were 90w UFOs..one per plant. After talkin to him last night, he said he got exactly 1 dried oz per plant...not 3/4. It was a soil grow in 2.5 gal pots, cheap potting soil, Technaflora Nutes (Recipe for Success Kit). Plants between 18"-24" tall. Strain was Jack Herer.

Bad thing is...when you think about it, four plants need 4 lights. At 90w each, thats almost 400w right there.


Active Member
They were 90w UFOs..one per plant. After talkin to him last night, he said he got exactly 1 dried oz per plant...not 3/4. It was a soil grow in 2.5 gal pots, cheap potting soil, Technaflora Nutes (Recipe for Success Kit). Plants between 18"-24" tall. Strain was Jack Herer.

Bad thing is...when you think about it, four plants need 4 lights. At 90w each, thats almost 400w right there.
1 - its 360 watts
2 - What was the size of the UFO LED panel in inches?

never seen LED Panels so I kinda want to know the measurements to have a better idea
I am currently in my 3rd week of flowering w/ three 180w LED panels, so far everything is looking great. minimal heat, lower electricity, don't have to run my air/fans all day!


Active Member
here's some math for yall

400 HPS puts out around 27,500 lumes witch means it puts out around 118 lumes per watt
the 90w UFO LED panel puts out around (what the guy above me things it puts out) is around 4,200 lumes witch is about 46.66 lumes per watt
45w CFL puts out around 3000 lumes per watt and that means it puts out 66.66 lumes per watt
the 3.5w LED light I've been looking at puts out a little over 1,000 lumes and by math it puts out a little over 300 lumes per watt

IMO if you want the best lume per watt try going with the 3.5w LED light but I'm gonna be testing it to see how well it does and if its worth the money


Well-Known Member
Hey Spliffy, I would be really interested in hearing more details about your grow; number of plants, footprint, etc?:confused: