LED Grow Lights, whats your take??

i would recommend QB's since i bought them my harvests are climming to my last records grow 2,13 gr/Watt !!!
Grown with Hps/ Led and now using QB's first generation and i'm amazed with the results ! i paid about 400$ for 2 x 135W QB .
So not expensive and very effective .
FWIW, I pull roughly a QP per plant with LED.

Could I do better with HPS? 100% yes -

Do I want revert back to HPS? DO I FUCK!
I use 2 300watt bloomspect LEDS. Im sure they aren't the greatest but I run 2 autoflowers each run and yield 2-3 ounces total. I dont do anything in terms of top/lst/fim and only use tap water with calmag

Ive had them for about 18 months and they are still going strong
haha do you have some photos to show your grow under the led ? led grow needs more cal and mag, but less nutrients and water, i do grow with led grow light as well.i follow the seller's recommendation .
i would recommend QB's since i bought them my harvests are climming to my last records grow 2,13 gr/Watt !!!
Grown with Hps/ Led and now using QB's first generation and i'm amazed with the results ! i paid about 400$ for 2 x 135W QB .
So not expensive and very effective .

Seems that more and more growers like using the QB light, it's not so heavy and easy to setup and work with 0 noise , only one thing needs to pay attention to is the heat problem, winter comes it not the big problem, but summer growing it the killer for plants growing .:P
Thank you for your input. I understand that HID has always been the way to go but with LED on the rise do you believe HID will last in this market???

Yes. For the foreseeable future unless you live in Hawaii or some other ridiculously high priced power market.

Simple fact of the matter is when it comes to buying a 'plug and play' lighting solution, dollar for dollar, HPS is cheaper by a long, long ways than LED is.

I don't see that changing for another 8 to 10 years.
Five years ago leds were saying Hps be redundant in a year and every year since - Could you say anything more full of rubbish....!

Hype sells but science destroys - now we see why Hps is still very strong :-)
Seems that more and more growers like using the QB light, it's not so heavy and easy to setup and work with 0 noise , only one thing needs to pay attention to is the heat problem, winter comes it not the big problem, but summer growing it the killer for plants growing .:P
Well i must say i grow with them during summer and they don't get very hot. you can always put your hand on the cooling plate.
and it's just 135W each so it's not that they are really a big heat source.
IT's just so easy to setup does not cost much and they are very good. i have grown with HPS / LED and QB and i'm really amazed by the results last grow 1.7gr/W and now with my latest grow 2.13gr/W .
So never expected this results in the smallest tent and with not much effort.
Well i must say i grow with them during summer and they don't get very hot. you can always put your hand on the cooling plate.
and it's just 135W each so it's not that they are really a big heat source.
IT's just so easy to setup does not cost much and they are very good. i have grown with HPS / LED and QB and i'm really amazed by the results last grow 1.7gr/W and now with my latest grow 2.13gr/W .
So never expected this results in the smallest tent and with not much effort.


Complete, total, utter bullshit. No way on earth you get 2 grams per watt out of a fucking 135 watt fixture. You are completely full of shit.

Complete, total, utter bullshit. No way on earth you get 2 grams per watt out of a fucking 135 watt fixture. You are completely full of shit.

Wow man Cool down you don't need to believe what i say and don't be offensive i'm full of shit!
But just to give you the complete story.
First of all i have 2 QB's of 135W so my total is 270W
i have grown 2 Bruce Banner's and 2 Royal Gorilla's on my latest harvest and my total harvest was 2584 gr wet weight and 577 gr dry weight before curing with 270Watt of light.
I post my diaries on Growdiaries so you can check out my growdiary https://growdiaries.com/diaries/28365-bruce-banner-royal-gorilla/week/181544
And i know you still have to take my word for it but i tried to take a photograph of everything so people can see it's not bullshit!
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Wow man Cool down you don't need to believe what i say and don't be offensive i'm full of shit!
But just to give you the complete story.
First of all i have 2 QB's of 135W so my total is 270W
i have grown 2 Bruce Banner's and 2 Royal Gorilla's on my latest harvest and my total harvest was 2584 gr wet weight and 577 gr dry weight before curing with 270Watt of light.
I post my diaries on Growdiaries so you can check out my growdiary https://growdiaries.com/diaries/28365-bruce-banner-royal-gorilla/week/181544
And i know you still have to take my word for it but i tried to take a photograph of everything so people can see it's not bullshit!

You're full of shit.

In order to obtain what you claim, then you would have had to net 575.1 grams out of one grow. That's 20.28 ounces or 1.25 fucking POUNDS!!!

From the picture you posted, it looks like you'd be lucky to have about 8 fucking ounces, or around 226.79 grams, which is .83 grams per watt. No god damned way that's a pound-and-a-quarter in that image of yours.
You're full of shit.

In order to obtain what you claim, then you would have had to net 575.1 grams out of one grow. That's 20.28 ounces or 1.25 fucking POUNDS!!!

From the picture you posted, it looks like you'd be lucky to have about 8 fucking ounces, or around 226.79 grams, which is .83 grams per watt. No god damned way that's a pound-and-a-quarter in that image of yours.

Jesus man what's your problem and why would i lie about this? go check out my diary at growdiaries . i will try to post some pics in perspective and if you think i'm full of shit well that's your problem not mine :-).

I'm just getting great results and i wan't to share how i get them so other people could get this to but if you think i'm full of shit that's your problem not mine.

I'm just a happy man with great results .

I dry my weed 6/7 days before they go in the Curing jar. and just to show you i have taken some pics with my arm beside 1 bud and as you can see on my plants on the right side those 2 are bruce banner's and you can see how many of those buds are on 1 plant about 10 of them as big as my under arm !! what do you think the weight is.

And just imagine i i would have planted 4 bruce banners instead of 2 royal gorilla's on the left side?

If i had planted 4 bruce banners and multiply what the 2 bruce banners got me its was 1521 gr wet and 345gr dry of those 2 plants on the right side.

If we multiply it that would have been 3042 gr wet and 690 gr dry :-) imagine then it was 2.5 gr / Watt !

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I wouldn't ever diss anyone for whatever lighting they choose to use, but if you are a commercial grower, I just cannot see cobs, leds, or even chm lighting replacing a good HID kit whether its a SE or DE kit for a very long time. But all those other options can pretty much grow what a good HID kit can using only 55% to 70% of the electricity! Anyhow, my only problem with all these newer samsung diode based led companies is that they pretty lie to everyone when they say one of their kits can cover a certain area in the most efficient way when they know good n' well that you are better off running more boards using the same driver than what they recommend for much better results every time! For example... a 3 board setup running the boards the long way in a 2 x 4 space running a 320 driver will produce only 3/4 of what a 4 boards setup running the boards the short way using the same driver... Yeah, when it comes to samsung diode based boards the more efficiently that run you them (65 to 70 watts max for each 288 board), will always result in a better yield.
if you are a commercial grower, I just cannot see cobs, leds, or even chm lighting replacing a good HID kit whether its a SE or DE kit for a very long time

That's where I would disagree with you.

High end cobs are every bit as good as HID is and then some. If you're a commercial grower and you're lighting up an entire warehouse full of plants, it would actually make good sense to go with cobs because at the amount of power you're going to be pushing, that savings will really help you out.

If you're just running a couple of lights, no. High end, quality cobs really aren't worth it because you just don't make up the savings in power to pay for the added expense of the fixtures.

But if you're talking about 20 to 40 fixtures over the span of 5 years? Yeah. That's worth going all in on quality cob fixtures for.
That's about 8 ounces if you're lucky. That is nowhere near a pound and a quarter.

You're full of shit.

Thanks man For all the shit :-) if you just look at the diaries i post on grow diaries you can check out my grows and see how i make get these results.

Im' not a beginner and i am growing for a few years now with HID,LED and QB's also experimented with training and feeding did a lot of research.

I also experimented with Budswelling technique and made an experiment with 2 plants one with budswelling and one without.

You can also find it on grow diaries i saw an increase on Sativa dominant plant of 20% with budswelling and on a hybrid 50/50 there was no difference.

and if you don't believe a word i say well that's fine by me :-) i don't need to convince you i just am happy to smoke it.

Just post it so people maybe can learn from the diaries like i learned from other growers and experimented with a lot of stuff.
