LED grow lights


Well-Known Member
If you have about 5 times as much money to spend on lights as it will take with MH, HPS, or fluorescent LED's will work fine.

Dyers Maker

Active Member
jeje no i really dont have much money i was just thinking about energy consumption ( co2 emissions)

I found an inexpensive led through i high times link but decided to ether go for fluorecent or mh, hps

any recommendations?
its going to be a small closes space 2x2 most likely
im looking at maybe 3 plants for knows (never know in the future)
money right now is a bit of an issue but also the important fact is to use as little electricity as possible

i have the outdoor plant going on now but want to try full indoors to see how it goes


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you need to empty your pm in and out box i cant send you ant more messages its full


Well-Known Member
If cost and energy consumption is an issue, go with CFLs. Not the best, but it would probably work out for you to start with. Then switch to an HPS. If you are interested in opinions about LEDs, just do a search. There are like two dozen different threads explaining the pros, cons, and general opinions of them.


Well-Known Member
I have used them for seedlings and cloning. They work rather well in my opinion. Because they don't cause any heat (or almost any), there really isn't a need for an exhaust fan, which is nice when you don't hear that buzzing, humming sound. But I don't trust them enough to use them for flowering. Not yet at least.


Well-Known Member
do you think i need a fan if i am using a 4 row T5 in a closed closet (for cloning)? do you think i should add a fan or should i go with LEDs???

Dyers Maker

Active Member
Thanks all
ive decided to go with and 200w hps

Hopefully sometime soon LED will be the way but for know im not taking the risk


Well-Known Member
led`s are a waste of money. they are to expensive. just my opinion
They are expensive, I have no doubt about that. And as of currently, HID lighting is better. But in my opinion, I think LEDs are better than CFLs. They might cost more, but they can hit a better spectrum for the plants to use, and their energy consumption along with accelerated growth means that you will actually be saving money in the long haul (say, over the next 20 years). Not to mention that LEDs last 8-10 years while CFLs last only a few.

But currently the price tag that is attached is too high to compete with the HIDs. But some day they will. Just my opinion.