Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

here is my BLUEBERRY scrog giant under my VIPAR leds , shes at about day 45 of flower and she is looking great very strong vigorous growth and i think the yield should be quite nice too :D. link is in my sig if anyone is interested, cheers all happy growing.
id have to agree with damnecro leds and hid are comparible in price for sure that is if your not buying the bottom of the barrel HID crap. a good digital or electronic ballast can run ya 1-200 easy then a good air cooled hood is another 100$ , bulb 50$ , probly gonna need 2 inline fans 200$ , if your in a hot climate a little A/C unit wouldnt be out of the question and thats still on the pretty cheap end of things and then be ready to replace any of this stuff when it shits out on ya and all the electricity to run all of it per month it all adds up quick. if you can get better results at comparable prices then why not right?

I love LEDs but they're not cost equivalent on price... to get the same price you're getting 180-300w LED for the same price as 600w-1000w of HID
equvilent ....no , but comparale yes speacially once ya add in all the extra cost of running all that extra equipment over time and bulb changes .... if ya gotta run A/C then your electricity is going through the roof even for a small unit and same as running a ballast or extra fans all the time adds up for sure. so ya upfront price not equivilent but over time of owning both setups i bet they would be damn close if leds didnt come out on top after a bunch of bulb replacements and possibly having to repace something else that breaks or wears out after a couple years and it will espeacially if you dont buy the top of the line stuff which will cost out the ass. where as an led panel with a good warranty will last 3+ years with no extra cost , so when ya look at the long run if you get a good led panel with a good warranty at a good price when its all said and done you could have paid the same if not less with leds ..... just that nasty upfront cost everyone is scared of.
There is a fair amount of science behind growing with led's. From what ive learned the keys are Spectrum, Wattage, and Penetration. As the technology is evolving the led's themselves are becoming better tuned to the spectrum's needed, More powerful and efficient which also plays into penetration. Current led technology already surpasses antiquated HID lighting by producing Far more Usable light per watt of energy used. As led technology progresses I expect we will see manufacturers working harder to manufacture the Exact Spectrum's needed by plants. Good quality led grow lights already produce pretty close to the ideal spectrum's, But I imagine we will see even more exact spectrum led's in the future. For example early led lights used only generic red+blue spectrum's as this is what was believed to be the answer. As time has passed and led grow lights are being tested more thoroughly by both experts and growers its becoming obvious that a small amount of "white" light is beneficial. As such most manufacturers incorporate a small amount of "white" led's. Another advancement has been more targeted spectrum's, For example original blue led's were approx. 460-470nm. Most quality companies now use led's more in the 445-450nm range which is a far more effective "shade" of blue light for growing. Basically I think we will see more small improvements in overall efficiency in the years to come. But in my honest opinion led grow lights are already plenty efficient to replace HID.
Many growers have already made the switch to LED and are Not looking back, Myself included.