LED light problems??

I have seedlings about 1 week old. They were getting a burned look so I raised the LED light (400 watt) about 18 inches above the plants (it was about a foot). That seemed to help but now I'm seeing yellow/white tips on some leaves on one plant and the other one seems healthy but appears to have dark green leaves. What could these problems be from? Any ideas? I've never tried growing indoors and before I place more plants under the lights I want to figure out as much as I can to be successful. Temperature steadily between 80-85 degrees and Humidity 40-45%. Haven't used any nutes yet. Soil is organic potting soil with perlite and peat moss (fertilizer free) and I also added vermiculite. I try not to over water but the top of the soil gets pretty dry although when I go down about an inch I can feel moist soil.


Active Member
you might be over watering.water less.....raise the light to two feet above canopy...drop the temp a bit and raise the humidity.
a little trick also for humidity is to put a ziploc bag over your seedlings to keep humidity in.
Unfortunately, the white tipped one died. Here is a pic of the other one. They were in the same environment with the same treatment, soil, water, temp and humidity and put under the light on the same day and the dead one never grew to be even 1/3rd the size of this one and not nearly as healthy.



Active Member
Put them under some CFLS untill they are a little bigger maybe?

IDK n e thing bout LEDs... but I know people lower their MH/HPS ballasts output through seedling stages... maybe the LED is just too much at such young stage..


Well-Known Member
Yea raise the lights to like 30 or more inches away or use cfls till they're bigger, I just lost some seedlings trying to put em under the high powered led too soon. Even my rooted clones were bleaching out, fucking pissed me off lol. I just keep em under cfls now till they grow out a bit.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
My seedlings get the full 1k hps as soon as they enter the grow area. I have yet to find a led light that needs to be so far for the plants. I have a 300w led about 2-4 inches above the girls. Sounds to me like a genetics or treatment issue.
Put them under some CFLS untill they are a little bigger maybe?

IDK n e thing bout LEDs... but I know people lower their MH/HPS ballasts output through seedling stages... maybe the LED is just too much at such young stage..


Active Member
My seedlings get the full 1k hps as soon as they enter the grow area. I have yet to find a led light that needs to be so far for the plants. I have a 300w led about 2-4 inches above the girls. Sounds to me like a genetics or treatment issue.
So are you saying they get 1k HPS from being planted? from sprouting?. How old are they, when you put them in the "grow area"

The person who commented right before you, said he had killed his seedlings with an LED... so apparently, its possible..