LED lighting for flowering?


"The most impressive grow ... a totally LED grow ... a member came into a tidy sum of money ... switch to LED lighting ... the very best LED lights ... he purchased a good number of different styles ... Above his plants he had two large LED panels ... Each section of stackable post was long enough to hold an LED light bar. On some portable posts he attached LED light bars to one side and on others he attached LED light bars to all four sides. He ringed his plants with portable posts with an LED on one side and once the top LED light panels were raised high enough he added more portable posts with LED light bars on all four sides between his plants. Each time the top LED lighting was raised enough for another section of portable post with more LED light bars on them he would add another section .. The key to LED lighting is to purchase the highest grade LED lights available and to purchase them in sufficient numbers AND then use them in a way that they will be able to do the very most they can for the plants growing from their light."

This is my point Bricktop. They could have done all of this or they could have bought 1 inexpensive HPS, maybe some small MH lights as side lighting, or preferably stem train.

"If people did that they would throw rocks at CFLs and HID lighting and never use either ever again. In most cases people purchase low quality LEDs because of price, and they purchase too few of them, again because of price, and then they tend to expect too much from them and use them incorrectly. The result is a bad rap against LED lighting when instead the bad rap should be on those who should never have spent their money on LED lighting in the first place considering how they did it."

I don't know if you're joking and goading me with insults, or if you're a true believer and tossing out insults randomly. I did my equipment research and ordered 3 watt cree LEDs and they did not produce the results of even CFL. I have 360 watts of 3 watt LEDs, top line diodes, I speak from the experience of someone who wishes that he had never spent his money on snake oil.


"the bad rap should be on those who should never have spent their money on LED lighting in the first place considering how they did it."


Please tell, I'm most interested in how I should spend my money.

Bricktop have you ever grown with LED lights or are you going by pictures that you have seen of someone else's grow?

The CFL Forum is full of fantastic growers who could grow with a candle, but not even the most delusional of the bunch would say that they produce the results of HPS - the CFL growers get decent results because of the extra care and work that they have to put into their gardens while supplying their plants with less energy than HID growers.

Do you have pictures of either your LED grows or for the grow from the other person that you referred to?


I don't mind being called a fool but why don't you define why I'm a fool Bricktop. Pictures of LED yields to back up your position would be a good start.

For those trashing LEDS they are a new technology and if you bought the wrong ones or bought them too early before technology developed im sorry. I really didnt like LEDS either but i found Kessils and more importantly Dicon the company who makes them and it change my outlook. Especially after seeing some comparisons and really digging for video and research. I still wouldnt go completely LED but i think there great supplemental light and can save on electric bills and heating issues. :-P

Can we see some pictures of your buds please. With something in the picture for scale.

What wattage are your LEDs? How many? Spectrum? What kind of yield do they give you - at 4 weeks of cure?

Have no buds yet but so far growth and recovery seems very good as the first four plants i got were hurting and as i said I only use them for supplemental lighting but the Kessil LEDS from Dicon are the best on the market. There so new that they only make 1 model and are working on a h350 vs the h150. here the link to my journal tho

:( 7 more weeks of waiting and ill let your know

in like a 3 weeks ill let you know if the LED helped much in the Veg tent aswell.

SwiftGrow all my best with your grow. I'm taking off and unsubscribing to this thread, it's unbelievable.

When your lights don't produce the results that you are looking for it's mostly because of intensity and the Average Light Fallacy. Don't throw the lights out, they can be adapted to be useful.

Best of luck to you all.

Bricktop you win this one - I can't fucking believe you. You sounded like you've never grown with LEDs and you're pontificating to me on a subject that I've spent hundreds of hours researching and experimenting. I've talked to a dozen LED manufacturers including engineers at diode manufacturers, researched chloroplasts, I measured the intensity of PAR light through different canopy thicknesses using a light meter and experimented with reflector shapes looking to get photons to the right place on the plants at the right intensity, I've designed built and tested an adapter to turn LEDs into an intense flowering light - while others look at pretty pictures of unknown lineage and know all that is knowable.

And I'm the fucking idiot.

Ya i dont fully believe in the LEDS either Hobbes thanks for the input. they better work as atleast supplemental lol expensive lil bastards.

"The most impressive grow ... a totally LED grow ... a member came into a tidy sum of money ... switch to LED lighting ... the very best LED lights ... he purchased a good number of different styles ... Above his plants he had two large LED panels ... Each section of stackable post was long enough to hold an LED light bar. On some portable posts he attached LED light bars to one side and on others he attached LED light bars to all four sides. He ringed his plants with portable posts with an LED on one side and once the top LED light panels were raised high enough he added more portable posts with LED light bars on all four sides between his plants. Each time the top LED lighting was raised enough for another section of portable post with more LED light bars on them he would add another section .. The key to LED lighting is to purchase the highest grade LED lights available and to purchase them in sufficient numbers AND then use them in a way that they will be able to do the very most they can for the plants growing from their light."

This is my point Bricktop. They could have done all of this or they could have bought 1 inexpensive HPS, maybe some small MH lights as side lighting, or preferably stem train.

"If people did that they would throw rocks at CFLs and HID lighting and never use either ever again. In most cases people purchase low quality LEDs because of price, and they purchase too few of them, again because of price, and then they tend to expect too much from them and use them incorrectly. The result is a bad rap against LED lighting when instead the bad rap should be on those who should never have spent their money on LED lighting in the first place considering how they did it."

I don't know if you're joking and goading me with insults, or if you're a true believer and tossing out insults randomly. I did my equipment research and ordered 3 watt cree LEDs and they did not produce the results of even CFL. I have 360 watts of 3 watt LEDs, top line diodes, I speak from the experience of someone who wishes that he had never spent his money on snake oil.


"the bad rap should be on those who should never have spent their money on LED lighting in the first place considering how they did it."


Please tell, I'm most interested in how I should spend my money.

Bricktop have you ever grown with LED lights or are you going by pictures that you have seen of someone else's grow?

The CFL Forum is full of fantastic growers who could grow with a candle, but not even the most delusional of the bunch would say that they produce the results of HPS - the CFL growers get decent results because of the extra care and work that they have to put into their gardens while supplying their plants with less energy than HID growers.

Do you have pictures of either your LED grows or for the grow from the other person that you referred to?


I don't mind being called a fool but why don't you define why I'm a fool Bricktop. Pictures of LED yields to back up your position would be a good start.


Here is what I posted, word for word.

For about the hundredth time.

The most impressive grow thread I ever followed was a totally LED grow. Several years back, on a similar board that is now defunct, a member came into a tidy sum of money and decided to dump his HID lighting and switch to LED lighting. He researched to find the very best LED lights and he purchased a good number of different styles.

Above his plants he had two large LED panels. He built what I call portable posts for the lack of a better term, 4 X 4 posts cut in sections that would stack on top of each other, with a flat piece of plywood attached to the bottom of each portable post set for balance. (If I were making the same thing I would use PVC pipe.)

Each section of stackable post was long enough to hold an LED light bar. On some portable posts he attached LED light bars to one side and on others he attached LED light bars to all four sides. He ringed his plants with portable posts with an LED on one side and once the top LED light panels were raised high enough he added more portable posts with LED light bars on all four sides between his plants. Each time the top LED lighting was raised enough for another section of portable post with more LED light bars on them he would add another section.

His plants were the thickest most lush plants I have ever seen grown indoors. The colas were massive and the buds on the lowest portions of plants were as large or larger than most I see people get just under the bottom of their colas, meaning larger than most people’s very biggest buds other than colas are.

The key to LED lighting is to purchase the highest grade LED lights available and to purchase them in sufficient numbers AND then use them in a way that they will be able to do the very most they can for the plants growing from their light.

If people did that they would throw rocks at CFLs and HID lighting and never use either ever again. In most cases people purchase low quality LEDs because of price, and they purchase too few of them, again because of price, and then they tend to expect too much from them and use them incorrectly. The result is a bad rap against LED lighting when instead the bad rap should be on those who should never have spent their money on LED lighting in the first place considering how they did it.

So, please quote me, precisely, word for word where I allegedly called you; "a fool."

Next, Did you read what I posted? Did you notice that the board I followed the thread on has been defunct, gone, no longer in existence for several years, roughly four now I would say. There is no link I can provide that you nor anyone else can follow to see what I followed from the dismantling of his HID setup right to the weighing of his dried and cured yield from his LED grow. The pictures no longer exist in any location where I know how to find them. I can only relate what I saw, from start to finish, in what was the most complete and most impressive online grow thread I have ever seen on any of the numerous herb growing boards I have been a member of.

Did you happen to notice the description of his setup? The large LED panels above and how he ringed his entire grow area with what I call portable posts with LED light bars on them and how on other portable posts, with LED light bars on all four sides that he placed between all his plants, that were all built to be stack-able so as the plants grew taller he could add more LED lights to keep up with the height of the plants and how he purchased the very highest grade LED lights available at the time? Did you notice any of that?

If you tried to grow with LEDs and did not come close to creating a setup anywhere near to what his was it is no wonder that your results fell far short of his results. My pointing out what it took for him to have tremendous success was in no way a personal attack on you. I only explained what he did and what his results were.

If you felt you could achieve true success using a setup that was not anywhere near what his was, well that was an error on your part. More research on your part might have been needed and likely a considerable amount more money was needed to have been spent and possibly the design layout of your setup needed to have been reworked for maximum efficiency. But your error, and or lack of success, is not in any way proof that LEDs will not equal or out produce any and every other type of grow lighting if used to their maximum potential.

You may not know it but NASA has had tremendous success, both on earth and in space, growing with LEDs, and only with LEDs, and I tend to have to believe NASA would not have wasted years and years of time and untold numbers of dollars on a grow light system that is inferior to HID lighting and or CFL lighting. I fully realize that in space energy/electricity is limited so it makes HID lighting impractical, and that tends to make LEDs attractive, but if success was not found with LED grow lights they would have scrapped them years ago and gone in search of some different and better system.

I clearly explained the key to successful LED growing. The key to LED growing is to purchase the very highest grade LEDs made and to purchase them in adequate numbers and to know how to use them in a way to maximize their potential. If someone fails to do any of those things they will not achieve the same sort of results as I saw and like most every other person who has attempted to grow with LEDs, they will be very disappointed in the end.

Have I grown with LEDs? No. My home is not at all designed well for growing. It is large but it was designed for entertaining and there is not a single decent sized area for the sort of system I used to run previous to moving here. I grow in a moderate sized closet with a single 400-watt digital HID light with an adequate ventilation system .. and that is all I presently have to work with and to me it is not worth attempting to transform it into an LED grow I would not be satisfied with.

I do have hopes of moving and if so I will buy or build a home where there is suitable space for the sort of setup like I used to have, and if so it will be an LED system. Until then I will stick with what I have.

I was neither; "joking" or "goading" you "with insults." Why you are so defensive I could never begin to guess. Possibly the truth I told hit too close to home and it made you feel uncomfortable by causing you to realize your errors and you, for some inexplicable reason, took it as a personal attack, when it was not in any way. Possibly you knew what I said was 100% accurate and knowing that and then having to admit it too yourself, it took away the ability of blaming LEDs for your own errors, and that made you uncomfortable.

Whatever the reason might be, you really need to chill. I simply told the truth about LED growing and if you cannot accept the truth, I am sorry, but that is not personally attacking you. If the truth I told somehow made you realize that in some way or ways you failed to do things as well as they need to be done to have true success when growing with LEDs, again that was not a personal attack against you.