LED Lighting for Growing Applications

I am an LED Distributor in Michigan. I am trying to find out if anyone has had success growing with LED Lights. If you have wanted to try them or know that they work please let me know. This is a huge market with a very large potential to save growers a lot of money.

Our products put out more light at 60-90% less power then Conventional fixtures like Metal Halide. They do not put out heat and will last 100,000 hours. They come with a 5 year Warranty.



Well-Known Member
to be honest brian there seems to be alot growers talking about LED's being used for veg but with sub par performance during flowering and ultimately switching back to hps to finish off.

No offence intended but everyone claims their LED panels to be the best, i have been reading about the technology to educate myself and the main problem seems to be canopy penetration . While the less power/heat is beneficial the penetration issues make it in my eyes a no brainer. At least until this issue is resolved i wont be switching from my lumatek 600w. If you are manufacturing these panels yourself then post some distance to lumen loss statistics and compare it with for instance a 600w HPS .



Well-Known Member
"to be honest brian there seems to be alot growers talking about LED's being used for veg but with sub par performance during flowering and ultimately switching back to hps to finish off."

No offence intended but everyone claims their LED panels to be the best, i have been reading about the technology to educate myself and the main problem seems to be canopy penetration . While the less power/heat is beneficial the penetration issues make it in my eyes a no brainer. At least until this issue is resolved i wont be switching from my lumatek 600w. If you are manufacturing these panels yourself then post some distance to lumen loss statistics and compare it with for instance a 600w HPS .
I am very satisfied if not annoyed with the amount of penetration from my 252x3w 12 wavelength 90degree lens LED panel. It penetrates the upper canopy so well the plant starts growing new tops everywhere and I have to keep trimming stuff back so I can see anything and feed it. It is definitely whooping my hortilux 400w Super HPS with digital ballast and producing less than 25% as much heat. I've never grown with a 600w HPS personally, but I would imagine my panel could compete with one pretty well.
currently flowering with 2 different LEDs now both blowing away my hps light never gonna use that sucker again, panels I am using are the ISIS FX1 and blackstar 240 both are having great results not having any penetration issues and my plants are topped onces bud is pretty even I do rotate the plants everyday though


I have been using LED light now for 2 years and swear by them! I've only been using a 50watt UFO light which has 4 different wavelengths (1 White, 1 blue and 2 red wavelengths) but it has managed to produce the most vigerous growth with 5 small autoflowering plants under them. Don't knock them until you've tried them!
hey brian i also sell leds what i have found the leds do good in my veg room iam running 4 300watt and 1 120watt the plants look and do well all so i made a 2x4 light with crees for my veg room in the flowering room i did 4 600watt leds small buds but the thc was like snow on them so i put 2 1000hps with them all run on 220v to keep the big buds you need to run both 1 mon. under the leds and finsh off with hps this will keep all happy to sell the light you must grow the plant so if they ask you can tell the truth kentrugrolights


Well-Known Member
I have been using LED light now for 2 years and swear by them! I've only been using a 50watt UFO light which has 4 different wavelengths (1 White, 1 blue and 2 red wavelengths) but it has managed to produce the most vigerous growth with 5 small autoflowering plants under them. Don't knock them until you've tried them!
Don't knock them until you've tried a good company/panel. Problem is most people end up buying crap or are tricked by talk from companies into buying something that is not as good as it is said to be, and is several years behind the LED leading tech/companies. The companies I know to be a safe bet are 3w diode Blackstar panels, Growledhydro (pics out of date), 3w Isis, and perhaps Kessil. There are a few other companies that look good, but I have not seen enough grows with their tech (as convincing and comparable as it may be) to say for sure. And of course several companies that have the best/most convincing websites but sell outdated LED tech that is not that good for flowering (but still charge as much if not more than the people selling the best). Once you find out how many watts the whole unit really adds to your electrical bill every hour, divide that with the upfront cost and if you find you are paying more than $3 per watt there is a fair chance you are getting ripped off. If you are paying $5 or more there is a 98% chance you are getting ripped off. The cheapest I've seen with a good reputation is 3w diode Blackstar that gets as low as $1.9
a 600watt led will pull 2amps on 220v the cost of the light 950.00 almost all of the led lights on the market look alike because china the same for all its what you ask to have put inside of them my 300watt are white my 600watt are black . if you tell china to build a certen size and next week you go under they are left holding the bag so when you see all the lights they look the same its how you build them in the last three years they made a new led that is brighter the best drviers come from korea or japan they last 8 to 10 years the fans last 5 to 6 years i run uvs in my lights and i grow with them


Well-Known Member
if you tell china to build a certen size and next week you go under they are left holding the bag so when you see all the lights they look the same its how you build them in the last three years they made a new led that is brighter the best drviers come from korea or japan they last 8 to 10 years the fans last 5 to 6 years i run uvs in my lights and i grow with them
