LED Lights Anybody? What Brand?


Well-Known Member
Yea, bro. Check out www.blackdogled.com. I think he has the best lights out there. I am using the bd700f for flower, has 15 spectrums including uv, the 700 draws 600 watts and let me tell you it kicks ass!! If you are growing in a tent I would go a little smaller, maybe the 450 or 360 would do. A little pricey but you get what you pay for. I researched for 2 years before deciding on this brand, none of the rest offer the power that these do.


Well-Known Member
Check out Gotham Hydroponics for good affordable grow lights or Kessil's. Either will get the job done, but I still use supplemental CFL even though I use these LED's. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
LOL...I have a Blackstar panel from Gotham and a Kessil magenta (price is dropping). Kessils have the best penetration of any LED platform, but very low power consumption. One other consideration: their fan is very quiet...almost silent.

You can get a ProGrow panel from hydroponicshut.com and select the color output.

Good luck. Get good quality LEDs in whatever light you try: Cree, BridgeLux, etc...


thanks for the info yall... have any of you guys tried Sunshine systems Glow plannel or grow ufo???


Well-Known Member
growledhydro spectra LED lights are making some great stuff over on the 420magazine forum, and google Irishboy grows
Their website is way out of date but Mike that runs it won't Bullshit people about his lights capabilities. Hes always developing to see what actually works best by growing with them and seems to have done a pretty good job. His website is way behind like I said, his new 2011 models look pretty different from the old stuff on his website.


Well-Known Member
LOL...I have a Blackstar panel from Gotham and a Kessil magenta (price is dropping). Kessils have the best penetration of any LED platform, but very low power consumption. One other consideration: their fan is very quiet...almost silent.

You can get a ProGrow panel from hydroponicshut.com and select the color output.

Good luck. Get good quality LEDs in whatever light you try: Cree, BridgeLux, etc...
Pretty sure the blackstar doesnt outdo the blackdog led lights, especially the new models. But, to each his or her own.........


Well-Known Member
Does blackstar have its own website the way blackdog and growledhydro do? I don't know about blackstar but it looks like you at least get more actual watts per $ with growledhydro than you do with blackdog

Hey Viagro I see you a lot in the LED threads, what LED lights do you use?