LED Lights for Bonsai


i know this is not really the place for this but the MJ community seams to be the leading experts on LED lighting. i am looking for LED lighting for my indoor bonsai. i know most MJ growers are concerned with the RED end of the spectrum, being that is what it takes to get a plant to flower correctly. if im not mistaken i dont really need any of my ficus's or my kingsville boxwood to flower, i just need fast vegitative growth, which would put me in the blue spectrum of light. the only problem with that is most blue LED panels look cheap, and if im going to spend the money i want somthing thats going to work.

so here is my question; Which LED light product would you recommend for me? i can spend up to $200. ive tryed to find reviews on some of the products out there but they are really hit or miss

i was thinking

or this all blue one



Thanks CmoKush for your reply i really appriciate it, i will check them out and see if they can give me some good advice. thanks again mate.