LED Lights Vs. HPS


Well-Known Member
Also, I've said this before in other threads but people could possibly be looking at LEDs from the wrong perspective. Maybe they may never me meant to replace a big 1000w HPS in a grow op, but there low heat output and miniscule size in particular make me think sometime very soon there is going to be a wave of new cabinet and microgrowers using Highoutput LEDs.

haha i found evidence....:finger:



Well-Known Member
haha i found evidence....:finger:
What exactly is this evidence of? A couple of tiny veggin' plants that are using CFL's for supplemental lighting? Hardly an argument for the use of LED's compared to HPS.

As for the other poster, this thread is about whether or not LED's compare to HPS "LED's vs HPS", they don't.

They can a little bit of slow veggin' for you, but if you flower with it you'll be wasting your time.


Well-Known Member
What exactly is this evidence of? A couple of tiny veggin' plants that are using CFL's for supplemental lighting? Hardly an argument for the use of LED's compared to HPS.

As for the other poster, this thread is about whether or not LED's compare to HPS "LED's vs HPS", they don't.

They can a little bit of slow veggin' for you, but if you flower with it you'll be wasting your time.
You could give Laserbn all the pictures, articles and youtube video's and it still won't hit home!
Look at the guys posting's from the past and it will give you some insight on his growing skills ..the guy lives with his mom and grows it a 2X2 room in his bedroom....and this guys know s about LEDS and HPS lights? "I don't think so"
I think its pretty funny though..... "Best to check the Magazine articles and the other links I posted these people are proffessionals ..instead of a guy growing out of a shoebox


Well-Known Member
You could give Laserbn all the pictures, articles and youtube video's and it still won't hit home!
Look at the guys posting's from the past and it will give you some insight on his growing skills ..the guy lives with his mom and grows it a 2X2 room in his bedroom....and this guys know s about LEDS and HPS lights? "I don't think so"
I think its pretty funny though..... "Best to check the Magazine articles and the other links I posted these people are proffessionals ..instead of a guy growing out of a shoebox

No Shizz... what a dick......-tionary loving biatchhhh. And a grumpy Negative ass nut at that! Mr. Weedologist.... I got more updated pics for your A$$!!!!

but I have to say that I am kinda cheating... Supplementing in 400w HPS w/ 90 w L.E.D.
I am a newbie and I couldn't not add an HPS spectrum. I would like a guaranteed actual yield. I will experiment w/ my e-bay pd. product from Canada Later on.... I heard it helps with growth spurts and making it a bit more danky or resinous because of the different applied L.E.D. Spectrum.....


Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
Might as well use cfl's phatkix, those led's are good for illumination, but not actual growing for the price. Have you seen cop bikes with led tail lights? You can see that fucker a half mile away. HID is a must for flowering, even if its a 250 watt.


Well-Known Member
You could give Laserbn all the pictures, articles and youtube video's and it still won't hit home!
Look at the guys posting's from the past and it will give you some insight on his growing skills ..the guy lives with his mom and grows it a 2X2 room in his bedroom....and this guys know s about LEDS and HPS lights? "I don't think so"
I think its pretty funny though..... "Best to check the Magazine articles and the other links I posted these people are proffessionals ..instead of a guy growing out of a shoebox
What did you do, go back and look at my grow from 2007? I wasn't living at my mom's house tough guy. And the entire point of that grow was to prove to another user on here that I could grow bud in 8 weeks or less from clone. I grew 6 plants under a 250w HPS in a 2x2 closet and got 4.5 oz's on that grow in you guessed it 8 weeks. 1 week veg and 7 weeks flower. If you can beat that efficiency even now Mr. expert, show it to me. That grow from a couple of YEARS ago stil proves today that an HPS will stomp your LED's.

I'm not going to argue this point with someone that clearly doesn't know his ass from his elbows. I grow in a larger space now and use either my 2x 400w's or my 1000w HID's and I get a lot of dank, sticky buds.

Sorry guy, your information AGAIN is incorrect. Don't worry, I don't care if you grow with LED's, I don't have to smoke your shit.
so this is my first post.. but i have some information that might be of use.. i actually sent an email to high times asking if a 90 watt LED light can really yield what a 400 watt HPS can.. because yield is what matters right?? i mean i assume everyone here is growing dank ass buds so when we grow we want the most yield.. here is the response from a member of HIGH TIMES..

Re: ‏
From:<IMG id=P___1404526306 style="DISPLAY: none" webimdisplayStyle="inline"> Nico Escondido (nico@hightimes.com) Sent:Sat 4/11/09 6:54 PMTo: (pkxtreme214@hotmail.com)
do not use LEDs.

use a new electronic ballast with sunpulse bulbs. or standard HPS/ MH lamps are next best.

On Apr 11, 2009, at 3:53 PM, wrote:

I am getting ready to redo my grow room. With all the talk of LED's being the new best thing I started doing research on them. This has left me confused. It seems there are just as many people bashing on LED's as there are who are backing them up. So here are my questions that maybe you can answer.

1. Can you really get the yield that a 400 watt HPS light gives you from a 90 watt LED on a consistant basis considering all other asspects of the grow don't change?

2. Are there better places to purchase LED's from than other places?

I mainly wanted to use the LED's in my flower room because most sites that sell them say they are best used for flowering. All the forum blogs I've read say the opposite. That they produce shitty fluffy stringy buds. My last question is this; If LED's are the way to go how many watts of LED lighting would you reccomend for a 50 sq/ft flower room? and if HPS is the way to go would 4-600 watt HPS lights be over kill?

Oh, also, what do you think of the sunleaves line of satellite IV high output flourescents compared to HID and LED lights? From what I have read they put off 44,000 lumens and are 420 watts total. Those I guess are mean lumens too. Apparently they don't lose intensity like HID does.


as we can all see an employee of HIGH TIMES MAGAZINE himself says DONT BUY LEDS.. there.. fights done..

if you want an alternative to HIDS and CFLS i personally use SUNLEAVES SATELLITE IV flourescents.. that are 420 watt ballasts that put out 44,000 lumens.. they have grow and bloom tubes.. and i keep mine 2 inches over the canopy.. wormsway.com is the cheapest place to get them.. there are only 6 store locations around the U.S.. i luckily live in a state that has one and know about these bad ass lights.. if anyone wants to watch a grow ill keep a post going with them and show pics.. itll be a while before i start because as my letter to high times says im redoing my room.. but.. i hope i helped out..



Well-Known Member
LED Marijuana Grow

Complete grow with HID and UFO.

To me I'm not sold on it yet. The UFO cost $600, while a 400 watt HPS only cost about $150. You get more grams per kwh of electricity with the UFO, but you would need two UFOs to get the same weight that you get with a 400 watt HPS. That means you would have to shell out $1200 for two UFOs to match the 400 watt HPS. That means you would have to save $1050 in electricity just to make it worth it, and it would probably take like 5 years to do that, if not more. Wait for the price to come down, then they are worth it.
What he said.^^^


Well-Known Member
What he said.^^^

what u talkin bout 600 a piece.yah maybe if you want the name brand.... they are all over e-bay for under $200.00. Yeah your paying for a japanese model and being shipped from canada...? i know it's odd. I got one for 157.00 thought it was a steal.... What will happen if you use a 400w hps and a 90w ufo model led?:confused:


Well-Known Member
what u talkin bout 600 a piece.yah maybe if you want the name brand.... they are all over e-bay for under $200.00. Yeah your paying for a japanese model and being shipped from canada...? i know it's odd. I got one for 157.00 thought it was a steal.... What will happen if you use a 400w hps and a 90w ufo model led?:confused:
You'll get buds just like if you used the 400w without the LED. Might be slightly higher yeild, but really that light doesn't do anything during flowering. I am speaking here from experience having lots of moronic friends that keep buying the stupid things only to say "yeah, you were right, but I had to try it".


Well-Known Member
You'll get buds just like if you used the 400w without the LED. Might be slightly higher yeild, but really that light doesn't do anything during flowering. I am speaking here from experience having lots of moronic friends that keep buying the stupid things only to say "yeah, you were right, but I had to try it".
cool man i appreciate the advice... so are you saying that they are any good for vegging? and i am also moronic... a instant impulse buyer at times, but I heard the pink Hue, provides a great specialized spectrum that makes the babies more potent... maybe increasing yield... I probably would never test the thing alone tho....


Well-Known Member
cool man i appreciate the advice... so are you saying that they are any good for vegging? and i am also moronic... a instant impulse buyer at times, but I heard the pink Hue, provides a great specialized spectrum that makes the babies more potent... maybe increasing yield... I probably would never test the thing alone tho....
From what I've seen, they are actually phenomenal at vegging. For how little energy it uses I've seen them used side by side with similar setups and we all agree the LED's consistantly look better. The plants seem to grow faster, show more vigor and all while cutting electrical costs.

So from an efficiency standpoint, I give LED's a thumbs up for the vegetative state for sure. I've considered themself, but the cost of the lamps is too high and I have T-5's, CFL's, MH, and HPS lights, just too many damn lights already. 250's, 400's and everything else under the sun, but that's because I enjoy growing efficiently.

I'm not in to make money, but I am in to save money. And the more I can save the better.

Just don't flower with them, you'll be dissapointed if you don't get something stronger in there.


Well-Known Member
I heard the pink Hue, provides a great specialized spectrum that makes the babies more potent... maybe increasing yield... I probably would never test the thing alone tho....
You put your finger on the big issue. LEDs only put out a very narrow spectrum of light. Weed needs lots of different wavelengths, not only for photosynthesis, but for hormones that control metabolism, flavor, and flowering.

HID's waste a lot of their energy producing wavelengths that aren't needed, but LED's pretty reds and blues aren't enough to cut it. Unfortunately, there hasn't been a lot of formal research on the spectrum needed for optimal THC production. So, LED grow-light producers will be guessing for a while.

LED's are definitely still v.1.0-- great for the wealthy and the tinkerers to experiment with, but a poor investment.


Active Member
Dont know why people are hating on LED's?!? I'm pretty sure I read LED's are 80% more efficent than HPS or your other commercial grow light type ruling out Compact FL's. On top of that they last longer, so I would say you would make up the difference pretty quick. Oh yeah and not to mention the product we are dealing with does have a very high marketing value so that helps too. More money saved with getting the same results if not better seems like an upgrade to me!!!


Well-Known Member
Dont know why people are hating on LED's?!? I'm pretty sure I read LED's are 80% more efficent than HPS or your other commercial grow light type ruling out Compact FL's. On top of that they last longer, so I would say you would make up the difference pretty quick. Oh yeah and not to mention the product we are dealing with does have a very high marketing value so that helps too. More money saved with getting the same results if not better seems like an upgrade to me!!!
At least start your own thread to hawk your products. What you read and what is true are very, very different things my friend. If grams/watt is your only measure than yeah, maybe LED's someday may have a prayer. If you are looking at it in grams/sq. ft/<period of time> I don't think they'll hold up.


Active Member
im on my third batch of plants, have experimented a bit... it seems to be that the manufacturer claim of how much it takes to replace hid is too high, but with enough of them surrounding your plants the buds can be real nice....i have 500 led watts in a 3x3 with 5 plants, leds on top and some on the sides. i am not dissapointed with how the buds are.