Led lights?


Active Member
I am using leds right now they are phenomanal for vegging I have grown in most styles, hydro, organic in soil, outdoor exposed and green house. I am using leds and having very awesom results. I have not flowered yet and this is just an experiment if you want the best leds brightest lights best price go to htgsupply.com and look at the 50 wat panels you can arguably run about 3 plants a panel and do very well. However if you have money to spend get the procyon 100 those are it the world of leds so far top of the line


Well-Known Member
Heres a pic of an affy in veg. I raised the light a little to be able to get the camera in there to take the pic. Just to give you some idea of how close the LED can be to the tops.



Well-Known Member
The point I was making earlier though, and is true for the 50 watt panel from htgsupply, is that the LED light goes straight down unlike the reflected light of an HID. So no matter the intensity of light coming from your LED board, in order for it to cover an area the size of 3 plants you would have to raise it to over a metre above the tops of the plants thus diminishing the lumens per square foot of light.

This is the same issue with the results I have seen from the procyon 100. Anything directly below the light looks great but anything that grows outside of the light intensity begins to stretch. So you are left with the dilema of lifting your light and sacrifice overall lumens per square foot.

The only way I have been able to work around that is to cover the entire veg area with LED boards. Ive only got 7 boards there at the moment but am working on a 14 board setup that are outputting about 8000 lumens per square foot at about a foot under the light.

Conservatively speaking I should be able to comfortably be able to veg 6 plants to about a foot high without sacrificing anything. This includes having enough penetrating light to cause the bottom branches to bush out nicely.

Even with those ratings though I would still not be confident enough to flower with the LED, well I mean, I could but there are a few other things the HPS does that the LED does not do. For one thing, the heat generated from the HPS is so much so that it dehydrates the leaves causing a massive uptake of nutrient from the roots. You just dont get that effect with LEDs. Although there is some heat when you slave multiple LED boards together it does not compare to the heat output of an HID.

Good HPS systems will give you 10000+ lumens per square foot too which is the main difference between the LED and the HID and is the major factor when flowering.


Active Member
That is correct i am privilaged enough to have quite a few led boards to be able to nearly surroound my babies other than one open side from where i access them and water etc etc.. How every the diefference is witht hose 50 watt panes you get 3 for 400 dollars that can be spread out to distribute light where as the procyon is one set thing as with the the ufo. and the fact that leds do not use all spectrums of light like HPS or MH do means that their lumens will be lowered however since the plant is not redaily accepting green and a other colors around that on the spectrum it is not a huge loss knowing the blue and red are the two most vital colors for a plant. ( This is half stated as a question and as a state ment you are odviously very eduated on lighting where as i am not. so no disrespect ment.)


Well-Known Member
I agree, 3 of those 50 watt lights would do nicely and works out to about 150 watts of PAR light which is pretty much what I have discovered as mentioned with the 1:3 ratio, 150 watts being over the 133 watts needed to match a 400 HPS. But yeah having 133 watts in one spot like the procyon is where the problem is which is why I have to go for 192 watts of boards to cover my veg area which is around the size of a bath tub.

For a little less than the procyon I am constructing 14 LED boards with 272 LEDs per board. While that is a little less in light intensity than the 50 watt board it gives me a wider area of cover and in doing so I can have the boards set at the tops of all the plants without trying to have light spill because there is total top cover.

If you havent already, check out the test run between the procyon and an HID.
LED Testing - HomeGrownLights.com
Note that the test was done using plants that do not grow very high, and of course, the tray pretty much meets the size dimensions of the procyon. Based on that test, 1:4 watt ratio works for vegging. But for taller plants that bush out wider than the size of the procyon I doubt it would match the HID.

Anyways, good to be chatting with a grower who is actually using LEDs ;)
Ive had many a discussion with people who read about it somewhere on the net, and have collected many misgivings both good and bad concerning LEDs.


Well-Known Member
Best not to get too precious about LEDs yet, like I said, I myself do not use them for flowering, to date the HPS beats everything hands down when it comes to growing big buds. But with the right amount of watts as mentioned earlier, there is nothing wrong with vegging with LEDs. The leaves are broad, and nodes are tight, and overall shape of a 3 week vegged plant is no different to one vegged under an MH.


Well-Known Member
what do you want?? a pic of me pissing myself or should i just go copy somthing off of growfaq that you havent read yet??
way4too2high0 said:
metal halides produce up to 125 lumens per watt compared to 39 lumens per watt with standard fluorescent lights and 18 lumens per watt for standard incandescent bulbs. View self-contained HID grow lights, View remote ballast HID grow lights
You're really a dumbass, aren't you... You've said what the HID lumens are, but where's your number for LEDs?

My Red LEDs put out 170,000 mcd or 64 lumen @ .4 watts... or 160 lumens per watt...

Now, change your pants and appologize for being a jackass...



New Member
i have heard that there are some making it happen but i have yet to see what looks like them working to me yet for the kind that is


Well-Known Member
not exactly true......and lumens have no relevance with leds.
There is a diminishment of light once you break out of the desired grow area......but in doing that with my GrowUfo....and GrowPanelPro.....i have had NO stretching at all. My internodal length in veg and flower have been excellent. The only...slight stretching i had was in germ/seedling and it completely went away......
Im am posting my grow pics this week.
all haters....step off
all led enthusiasts......lol.....this is what youve been waiting for
Its the quality of your light.........so be aware.....just like anything else....there is good...better...best.............
As far as panels.............GlowPanel45 This light cranks and Ive had huge success with it.....

If everyone else can compare name brands....led users should be able to also. :)


stays relevant.
not exactly true......and lumens have no relevance with leds.
There is a diminishment of light once you break out of the desired grow area......but in doing that with my GrowUfo....and GrowPanelPro.....i have had NO stretching at all. My internodal length in veg and flower have been excellent. The only...slight stretching i had was in germ/seedling and it completely went away......
Im am posting my grow pics this week.
all haters....step off
all led enthusiasts......lol.....this is what youve been waiting for
Its the quality of your light.........so be aware.....just like anything else....there is good...better...best.............
As far as panels.............GlowPanel45 This light cranks and Ive had huge success with it.....

If everyone else can compare name brands....led users should be able to also. :)

what we've been waiting for is some proof that LEDs don't suck... so far the only opposition i've gotten to my comments that LEDs suck is that newbie loki7 sending me a -rep hiding his name. LOL. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
what we've been waiting for is some proof that LEDs don't suck... so far the only opposition i've gotten to my comments that LEDs suck is that newbie loki7 sending me a -rep hiding his name. LOL. :dunce:
You are such a douche bag. If you spent half as much time doing some research as you spend on being a jackass, you might learn something.

That's just one of dozens or hundreds of pics from an LED grow...

You're right, GrowTech, I am new here, but I don't plan on sticking around. Too many forum trolls like you around pretending to be growers...

To those of you who put up with this shit, you have my respect...



Well-Known Member
what we've been waiting for is some proof that LEDs don't suck... so far the only opposition i've gotten to my comments that LEDs suck is that newbie loki7 sending me a -rep hiding his name. LOL. :dunce:
Next time you -Rep someone, leave your fucking name newb. --GrowTech - BTW. LEDs suck, and so do you! :smile:
I just had to share the -rep comment he left me... lol... He's sooo tough.... You wanna be really tough, GrowTech, next time leave me your name and address....



Well-Known Member
dont sweat the dick heads dude, they are everywhere
Its just unbelieveable... Two years ago, I could see being sceptical. But there's are several very easy to find well documented LED grows... Yet retards like this keep spewing the hate... wtf? And noobs buy right into it...

Instead of saying, yeah they work, but lets make them better, we can't get beyond "LEDs Suck and so do you".



New Member
what i have seen has been pretty pricey so i have sat on the side lines but i have thought for many years that one day they would be there. now i see other things that may out perform the LEDs just as they are hitting their stride. oh well good to have coices