Led lights?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend mixing HPS lighting with LEDs. Excessive heat will shorten the lifespan of your LEDs by like a half.

From the testing I have done as well, well according to the light meter....the most intensity or lumens per square foot of light coming from my setup is within the first foot of light. Mine is outputting a steady 4000 lumens per square foot without diminishing for the first foot from the light. So if I want the most light reaching from top to as far as it will penetrate into the plants, it pays for me to have my LED light sitting 2 inches above the tops of the leaves, just enough for the colors to mix. That way any light making it to the bottom of the plants is also 4000 lumens per square foot intensity. So that restricts me to vegging clones up to about a foot before the bottom leaves start to receive less lumens, and in the LED setup, things drop off dramatically after one foot.

This means in order to make use of your lumens from your LED you would need to have it right down at the plant canopy and the HIDs would of course be higher up than that, heating the back of your LED lamp.

Those retailers of LED lamps that tell you you can hang them 2 metres above your grow have obviously never grown weed themselves. 2 metres above may work for lettuces, but lettuces will grow sufficiently fast enough in a normal room lit situation, I know this because I have 6 lettuce growing quite nicely in my office.

If you have spare HIDs then better to veg with those. My veg closet is too small to have my 400 in it, last time I had it in there even with the extractor working its ass off it still burnt the top leaves and warped the closet doors....so my LED setup works fine in there.

Anyways I digress....weed does that to you ;)


Active Member
Loki, I've been following some of your LED experiments and am quite inspired by it. Yeah i'm sure LED's don't give the same sort of production that HIDs do but then neither do CFTs. I'm interested in the low heat and low wattage factor as i'm needing to go real hi stealth for my next grow so am putting together a rig of 3w LED and will be starting a new thread on here with the entire build when i do. I'm not expecting to get the same kinda yield as i did with my HPS systems of the past but . . . . we'll see. I've heard your comments about UVA being good for flower, do you have any statistical data to quantify that? I'm not knocking your work at all, i'm interested and wanna know if it's really worth my time putting the UV in the mix. Peace bro, and carry on the fascinating work!


Well-Known Member
There is a new led that kicks out 1120 lumens at 6500k.
They are 50 quid each though that's about 100 dollars.
Should be good for small stealth grows though if you willing to cough up the cash for them.
Here is a link and a pic:leaf:

Colour temperatur: 6500 K
Viewing angle: 130°
Current: 700mA
Voltage: typ. 20.8 Volt
Emitting area: 6.72 qmm
Brightness: 610 - 1120 Lumen on 700mA

420 4 fun

Active Member
Hello Jonus,

I saw your pics, NICE.

I too have deducted that LED is good for veg, as is flouros, as is MH, but I will start testing soon, as soon as the inlaws get outa here.

My top curiousity, is, how well can LED grows do in the flowering stage. Penetrating the canopy is a high concern, as well as just having enough horsepower to emulate an HPS. And expense is another, as nat pointed out, unless its for stealth or some other reason to justify the cost, its not really worth it, unless it can equal the production of HPS and you do it for a long time with consistent positive results.

I think when I get going, I am going to try an LED panel on a vertical wall shelf system, or scrog....to try to eliminate the lack of penetration on the initial canopy. I will try it with no less than 300watts.

The array you are building, sounds like a good candidate for this experiment, focus the light on the sides of the plant for more exposure theoughout the length of the plants. rotate the plants every feeding to even it out.

Either the above method or a scrog.

What do you think?



How do these puppies look? any good?



I see your compassion for the fellow 420ers, but please chill a lil,
There was a guy who said he is starting to flower with LEDs and I was very anxious to see his show. I think you scared him off?




Well-Known Member


How do these puppies look? any good?

Yeah man those look good and have a great price the only real problem is that a lot of people avoid buying from Hong Kong in case of problems.
If you know that site is trustworthy and shipping and import tax is not to much then its a bargain price for leds there for sure:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Not sure with that particular one, but most of those cree type LEDs need a driver to go with them, which are usually about another 5 to 10 bucks. Some of the drivers can handle up to 4 LEDs, so have a look for those.


Well-Known Member
Efficient yes, powerful is a matter of perspective. If you are running a continuous small crop and have a grow cupboard/tent running along side a flowering room/box/tent, then LEDs can save you coin in the vegging cupboard.

For some people, having a smaller powerbill is more important due to say, a shared power living arrangement, my LED lamp saves me about 200 kilowatts of power a month in lighting cost rather than using a metal halide and the fans to keep the place cool.

Might not sound much if youre paying 5 cents a kilowatt, but its 18 cents here....ripoff bastards!

420 4 fun

Active Member
Hi everybody,

The way I am looking at it is,

If one was doing a show with 3000 watts flower + 500 watts veg/mom/babies + another 1000 watts for fans, A/C and such, 4.5k total
Pulling off say...5-6 units a cycle

Theoretically, based on the data of efficient PAR watts, no wasted light or by-product heat.. so less heat, last for 15 years without changing, use 50-75% less electricity yadda yadda yad

If the LED system below was producing equivalent to the HPS/MH system above...
dialed in with say....

five 300 watt LED panels for flower (1500)
one 200 watt for mom
one 100 watt for babies
No a/c
No dehunidifier
less electricity consumption
1500watts for the above lights, add another 700watts for misc just to be sure
2500watts total

And producing 5 units per cycle - consistently

Why wouldnt one invest a lil more and add another 2000 watts of High power LED to their show and put out
10 units per cycle?

I think if this was the case, 3 cycles later, all the high priced equipment would be paid for by the extra profits.

This is my theory and what I am researching towards



Well-Known Member
Yeah in theory things a lot better than in practical. Unfortunately mixing LEDs with HIDs will knock about half the life off your LEDs lamp. One thing LEDs do not like is a lot of heat, you can hear them crackling if they get too hot. And because of the distance issue, the LEDs would have to be right down at the plant canopy which puts the HIDs higher up and putting heat into the back of the LEDs.

This is my theory and what I am researching towards
Sure, and good on you for experimenting.
I see HomegrownLights are about to release a 50watt LED lamp made from Cree 5watt LEDs. Its called the Mini Procyon.
Depending on the price I might get about 4 of those cock suckers and wire them up and see how they go in my veg room.

420 4 fun

Active Member
Hi Jonus,

Do you have any links to a site(s) that can walk you through the design and setup of these LED arrays? I need something starting at very basic, like parts vocabulary and such, all the way up to soldering and power supply etc...

I want to make some custom size 35 watt panels with the 5 watt crees

I am such a newb with electronics, but I really dont wanna pay an arm and a leg just so I can experiment.

Nat or Loki Do you have any links?



Well-Known Member
Have a look at this setup

Its an infrared spotlight but the array is no different than if you were using blue and red spectrum LEDs

So you could substitute the parts from the infrared to the blue and red spec, also go for the 5 watt Cree/Luxeon type LEDs and the matching driver.

Looks like 4 of those Cree/Luxeon type lamps constitutes 12v so once youve worked out the wattage you can then just multiply it out.

Also check out
How to make them one LED at a time.