LED or "envirolie"?


Active Member
I'm new to growing marijuana but I've researched it a crap load over the past few days.
I'm only looking to grow maybe 2-4 small plants at a time in my cupboard, and I was looking for suitable lighting when i found a 125 watt Envirolite bulb with reflector which outputs 10,000 lumen which I thought would be ideal. However i just came accross an LED growboard on ebay, it would certainly save me alot of cash (being a much lower wattage) but im not sure how well it would work compared to the envirolite setup.
This is the product, maybe someone with a bit more experience than me could check this out? I did a bit of research on growing marijuana with LEDs but i got mixed results.


Well-Known Member
Don't go with the LED. I would suggest a 250-400 watt metal halide or hps light. The LED's just cant compare to the power of these lights. If you need any other help just let me know.


Active Member
Alright, thanks for the speedy response.
So, its necessary to have a 250-400 watt lamp? how many plants could I grow under that?


Well-Known Member
depends on the size of your room. generally you want about 40-50 watts per square foot. how big is your cupboard?


Well-Known Member
a 400 watt metal halide or hps (high pressure sodium) light would be best. If this is out of your budget go with the 250 watt. You can grow around 6 (maybe a few more) plants under the 400 watt and probably around 3-4 with the 250 watt.


Active Member
Thanks a lot. I'm a bit pushed for height, I have maybe 1.5m in the grow room, I read about something called pinching and topping to make the plant grow bushier instead of taller, but it wasn't too in depth. Can you give me an explanation on this, and if not, could you recommend a shorter marijuana strain?


Active Member
LST is like bending them really shape them how you want....
and im askin the same question about watering in my journal but no one said anything...guess no one knows:mrgreen:


Active Member
lol i guess thats what happens!!
i havent done any of this mate i just read alot:mrgreen:
sorry mate wish i could be more help