Stay away from the king LED’s unless you want really short plants. Get a good quantum board with Samsung LM301B or H diodes in 3000 or 3500 K with the far red with a meanwell driver and personally like stated above the sf4000 is a good choice or any 480w quantum boards with that spectrum and those diodes will do really well in that space.
A buddy started with all King lights and after showing him how the white quantum boards produced he hasn’t used the kings at all in fact I believe he gave them away. The blue spectrum of the kings makes seems to make the plants stay shorter even though they claim they use the LM301 diodes they must be a different kelvin rating. Search Amazon. You can find small 100w with the above stated specs for 35 bucks each so 4 would equal a true 400w for 140 bucks that’s super cheap and they all can be Daisy chained together. Or buy 2 240’s