LED, soil, and when to start fertilizing


Well-Known Member
Hey, sorry guys, this isn't strictly an LED lighting question but most everybody in this sub-forum seems really helpful and from what I've read fertilizing under LED can be different.

One Area 51 XGS, a couple of 2-week young plants, in fabric pots filled with Fox Farms OF soil. Somebody mentioned FF has fertilizing recommendations on their website, which is great, but I'd like to get some opinions from folks who aren't trying to sell something.

How long would you leave the plants alone before starting any sort of fertilizing? Unlike some of the growers on RIU who want to start dumping full strength ferts ASAP I'd prefer to err on the side of caution. I'm under the impression that FFOF has a lot of good stuff in it right out of the bag?

Another question: how do you use an EC meter with soil? Do you flush and meter the effluent?


Well-Known Member
Hey, sorry guys, this isn't strictly an LED lighting question but most everybody in this sub-forum seems really helpful and from what I've read fertilizing under LED can be different.

One Area 51 XGS, a couple of 2-week young plants, in fabric pots filled with Fox Farms OF soil. Somebody mentioned FF has fertilizing recommendations on their website, which is great, but I'd like to get some opinions from folks who aren't trying to sell something.

How long would you leave the plants alone before starting any sort of fertilizing? Unlike some of the growers on RIU who want to start dumping full strength ferts ASAP I'd prefer to err on the side of caution. I'm under the impression that FFOF has a lot of good stuff in it right out of the bag?

Another question: how do you use an EC meter with soil? Do you flush and meter the effluent?
FFOF has plenty of nutrients for up to a month depending on strain......then start looking at your plants for any signs of fade, if your organic ferts contain bloodmeal/fish/guano/manures/etc. go sparingly, if it's all plant-matter/ewc you can apply stronger.

don't need any meters in living organic soil, I only used them with lime to make sure I didn't go to alkaline in my medium(over 7)