Day 23
Day 24
Now its time to Pick the best six plants for the flowering stage. They are now about
8 to 10 inches tall. Here is what we got.
Day 25
If you look closely you can see I added a piece of poultry fence as a screen to train
them with. I dont have a lot of vertical space so we need to use all the space we can.
This is called screen of green. SCROG
I see a lot of people refer to this type of grow as sea of green but that isnt correct.
Sea of green grows are several plants like 15 in the same space.
Here I use fewer plants and train them to grow into the screen horizontally. Then just the buds grow vertically.
Here are some examples of training the plants.
The idea is to let the plant grow past the screen a couple inches and gently bend the stem under the wire. You can use twist ties if you like,
or just bend them under. Within a day or so they will continue to grow towards the light and you do it again.