Led Users Unite!

I'm setting up my 1st ever grow and thinking of going with 'ebay uk guy'. What did you order from him budbaby?
It says on his ebay page that its good for veg and flower, but did you say you ordered a veg one AND a flower one? Whys that?
Also are yours more powerful than the £199.00 light hes got on ebay? didnt you feel that one was powerful enough?

I went with 280 watt flowering light which was £800 GBP and the veg light was £400. As i have a seperate veg cab he did me a light just for vegging but his standard lights are meant to be good for both.

280 watt sounded like the better option to me for the space im growing.
I went with 280 watt flowering light which was £800 GBP and the veg light was £400. As i have a seperate veg cab he did me a light just for vegging but his standard lights are meant to be good for both.

280 watt sounded like the better option to me for the space im growing.

That is extremely expensive for a 280w, do you know for sure its even 280 and not more like 140-200? For that kind of money you should have gotten an LED of at least 400w (actual draw)
It would be cheaper to get a good light shipped in than to pay that kind of money for one originating closer to home.
Yeah, we were hunting the most expensive watt most of the time instead of listing every watt from every company.

To update, I did the 240W for blackstar, the most expensive watt for that company is the 300W (300x1W) 2010 Cree HO model at (assuming) 180 usable watts for 559 bucks = $3.10/watt.

Thats a lighthouse light, not a blackstar, but that are all the same shit. For just a blackstar, the most expensive light is the 180W Veg UFO - 100W actual draw at $239.00 = $2.39
"Most expensive watt I would find from spectra is the 300W model (360 actual pull) at $1100 - works out to $3.05 per watt, the lower wattage models were actually around $2.50 per watt."

Actually that price is for the newer model with an actual draw of 395w. The prices were updated but the pics and specs are still outdated.
if you buy these cheap chinese led's in bulk they will customize them by adding what nm led's you request....so a red, black, or green casing doesnt really impress me that much.....as long as the lights are the correct nm everything should be fine.....led growing isn't rocket science any at all......people are building working led's in their home.......

if you had a blackstar im pretty sure you wouldnt be complaining right now.......noone else who has a blackstar is unsatisfied......and as far as the branding i think they spent a couple extra bucks putting a logo on their light......every company has a logo

I completely agree with you Kush, besides everything that is sold here in America comes from china. If my whole ensemble of clothes come from china, budapest, bangladesh; blah blah, do you think led companies, besides a few companies arent going to rip you? Ive learned from this thread that most brands are misleading anyways. I believe in my heart that the black star led is made in china. And even if it wasnt, its not like leds, or their chipset or their fans dont have some components from china, here is the thing, just like misleading ppl with food brands; saying shit like natural or organic dishwashing fluid (without cert.) i mean technically most chems are organic (organic chems). and just like this companies will say made in usa. well that could mean a couple things. assembled in US, using chinese parts and laborers? or a mix? you dont know. I like companies that are out in the open like kessil, grow led hydro, or even blackstar. With blackstar its pretty obvious they arent going to be the best. but as a supplentary light source, other than t-12 flouros from home depot, they could kick ass.

you do get what you pay for, some are dealers some arent. black star could be for the dealer....who makes alot of money and doesnt care. unlikely. but possible. Most likely its for joe blow to see if its worth blowing 1000 on just a lighting source. and with my 180watt clone/veg blackstar. im pretty impressed. just as bright as my 250 hps without any heat. am i satisfied. hell no. Im gonna get a kessil purple for veg to add to it for a veg/mother room. and im going with growledhydro spectra 300 for all purpose growing/blooming with a kessil red bloom.

i believe seriously, unless we wait 4 years or so, we have to mix companies cause 1. some will offer more than another, 2. you will always need to veg. you can literally veg with a t12 from homedepot. but i would rather veg with my blackstar....less heat than a flouro. crazzy huh? and use some high tech shit for blooming. i want a personal amount. i use for medicine. My 2 cents.

Kush you had the right idea though. i support your support of chinese. shit my plasma came from china, going strong 2 years in a row. (spelling error is because of alcohol) and lack of time. peace yall
I was just looking at that one right now.(Spectra) I had forgotten about that one. The only thing that makes me cautious when it comes to kessils is in my narrow space
i wouldn't be able to get the right mix of light. Unless i get all purple, but i would like to get the fullest spectrum then supplement for bloom or veg. And they say to keep them 1 foot apart.

But dosen't the spectra have the 3 watt/3 chip LED's. Would that make it just a bunch of 1w leds?? I just noticed that. I need some penetration too. Looking to harvest 2.5 foot tall plants

I called Kessil the other day like 3 weeks ago and they said that soon they would have swivel clamps for their lights, that would mean that you could direct a magenta in the same spot by directing the light to the same spot. eh. They are coming out with an enhanced light that covers more distance than a 2x2 but we might have to wait for spring.
From what I read concerning the effects of temperature on LED nm output, the heatsink results on the Blackstar are adequate. I think adding a few crappy L- shaped fins for increased surface area would be great, but its still fine-- I just want (not need) more heat dissipation potential, which stems purely from my PC building background. One thing that I consider to be a flaw, though, is no vent slats on the sides of the unit. That's where the electronics sit and hitting it with the IR thermometer shows the temps to be indeed be higher on those sides since air doesn't escape there. So I may cut them in myself after the first year since the warranty will be gone. The dismantling of the Blackstar should not effect warranty since there was no tag/seal to break :D

@hudson or whoever was asking about watts= amps* volts. That is correct, but the calculations are the same, i.e. a 120W light that can use different voltages will pull 1 amp on 120V, but .5 amp on 240V, so you're still pulling the same amount of watts either way, but power supplies are usually more efficient when using higher voltage so you will see some power savings from that if you have a setup with several HID ballasts sucking power. That's the math simply put. Basically volts is potential, (how hard can you push), amps is current (how much is actually moving) and the combination of the 2 is watts (how much work is actually done).

@RayLewis The 240W Blackstars will give you many more light sources, and as long they don't get in your way as you're working between them, they should be the better bet. If they would get in your way, the 500W would halve the total of course. The 240W do pull 133W each(~120 gets to lights) and as has already been stated this is apparently normal for LEDs to run at half the power they are rated for since the light output doesn't get much better. I liken this to overclocking a processor-- there is a point of diminishing returns where you get much more heat for little performance increase, and with LEDs it appears half is a fine balance. I assume your concerns are for your privacy. You will be much better off going with LEDs if you have any concerns over power bill because the savings are easy to see (i.e. my 400W HPS uses ~480 of power and puts off a lot of heat.) Heat is wasted energy, which must be combated with air conditioning or rapid ventilation. Ventilation you combat smell (huge privacy spoiler), A/C you increase electricity bill. Because of decreased equipment and electricity costs, LEDs will pay for themselves. Without knowing how much you pay for power its difficult to see the exact cost benefits, but Kush's .31 cents per kWh in Cali is a high estimate for you, and .10 cents is a low estimate, but closer to the national average. Obviously, the higher your cost per kWh and the more you use, it can get very expensive and may raise the eyebrows of your power company, if they care at all (hell, they should have a VIP program!). For calculation purposes use this baseline and plug in the numbers you will be using: (Total power draw in kW) * (number of hours used per day) * (30 days in a month) * (cost per kWh from your power company in dollars) i.e. ----(1kW) * (12 hours)*(30)*(0.10) = $36 bucks. You can easily manipulate those numbers as needed, like multiply the result by 1.5x if you are vegging 18 hrs/day to give you an idea of what that will do for you. And if you're dropping that kind of dough you may consider one with a longer warranty -- I guess the Spectras have a 3-year. growledhydro has 5-year warranty, 120 money back. Doing a search for "5 year warranty led grow" yields a few more manufacturers, one named SolarOasis looks interesting with their grow bars, here's a link to their patent describing some details. (sorry to throw this in the mix, I just found it) http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6921182.html
Spectras are from growledhydro silly! They have the best warranty money back whatever ive seen so far

Oh snap, thanks- my bad. Which ones had 3 years again? Should've known since I came here to post this from their site and ask WTF?:

"The Spectra-LED 180 (Actual Power Draw is 240 Watts) Light System emits an unmatched 12+ wavelength illumination, uses 3 watt/3 chip LED's at a 90 degree viewing angle unlike any other system on the market today. This powerful system excels in any indoor growing method including, hydroponics, aeroponics, or soil.
At 12 pounds and measuring 19" x 13" x 2.5", this 110 volt dynamo draws a mere 0.65 to 1.25 amps yet delivers 180 watts of light and works in an operating temperature range of -4F +104F -20C~+40C. "
If you crunch those numbers the power draw and amp/volts listed don't add up! 1.25A * 110V = 137.5W, wheres that extra light and power draw coming from to get "180W" light and "240W" draw? I R confused...
I might be wrong but i think there is some loss from fans and umm the little back boxes that convert? the power. And a bit lost in the form of heat so it draws 240w from the wall but only 180w of light is produced. If I'm wrong forget this ever happend.
Oh snap, thanks- my bad. Which ones had 3 years again? Should've known since I came here to post this from their site and ask WTF?:

"The Spectra-LED 180 (Actual Power Draw is 240 Watts) Light System emits an unmatched 12+ wavelength illumination, uses 3 watt/3 chip LED's at a 90 degree viewing angle unlike any other system on the market today. This powerful system excels in any indoor growing method including, hydroponics, aeroponics, or soil.
At 12 pounds and measuring 19" x 13" x 2.5", this 110 volt dynamo draws a mere 0.65 to 1.25 amps yet delivers 180 watts of light and works in an operating temperature range of -4F +104F -20C~+40C. "
If you crunch those numbers the power draw and amp/volts listed don't add up! 1.25A * 110V = 137.5W, wheres that extra light and power draw coming from to get "180W" light and "240W" draw? I R confused...

its just confusing with keeping the same name as older models I think. Once the site is updated the models will be sold with their name being their actual draw
Hey Cereall where can I get 4 ProGrow 260W for $1500 cause on the hydrohut web site they have them listed for like 430 a piece. How many actual watts do they draw?
They draw 169w each, or close to it, I forget.

Shoot hydroponics hut and email and they will probably help give you a price break. They worked with me when I purchased 4. Maybe add that cereal referred you and that might help.
18 blackstar 240s. victor was a pleasure to deal with at gotham. however, i am not rich, and this was a very major purchase, so i feel like i'm going to throw up. encouraging statements would be appreciated.
I'm sure you'll be fine. Congratulations...I hope he gave you a break.

18 blackstar 240s. victor was a pleasure to deal with at gotham. however, i am not rich, and this was a very major purchase, so i feel like i'm going to throw up. encouraging statements would be appreciated.
18 blackstar 240s. victor was a pleasure to deal with at gotham. however, i am not rich, and this was a very major purchase, so i feel like i'm going to throw up. encouraging statements would be appreciated.

You will grow lots of pot and bought American?
Oh and Ray...you better put up one fuck of a journal. You got over 2 KW of energy getting to those diodes, that is a new high from what I know of.