Led Users Unite!

Jesus man those just look like straight candy man a serious candy plant !!!!! I could just eat those just like that ...... lol
Close ups of the bud (where the LED's make the real difference):
Still on plant-

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Harvested and drying (since thursday):

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Anyone have any experience with HTG LEDs? HTG is a pretty legitimate company so I'd like to give them a shot. It's either those or Blackstars. Which should I do?

Planning on getting 2 panels and hanging them angled with some large vertical CFLs in the middle.
\ = led
x = plant
l = cfl


Whatcha think?
Thats insane

Insane and frustrating since this was supposed to be an all Kessil test run and I've had to use so many other backup lights (CFLS and smaller LED units). I was looking to see how many Kessils I need to expand an 8' x 8' area to a 16' x 16' area, which in regard to the Kessil I've abandoned. There's no way I would sink the amount of money it would take to cover that area into Kessil when I've had this much problems with their units. So for now I'm moving all my lovely ladies(mostly cotton candy and sour d) from this test tent to my main flower area. I have 10 silver haze rooted clones that I will put back into my main veg room and I picked up 2 par 38 15 w Blue LEDs for less than $90 as supplement light while waiting for my Kessils. The plants under these are doing extremely well so I'm going to test these lights on a small veg cabinet on the 10 silver haze to see what they can do with them as stand alone. I ordered them after the first malfunctioning Kessil and they are already working while I seem to be in a perpetual state of waiting on Kessil. I still have a budget of 2500-3000(and currently increasing) to throw at this so I know I'll reach my goals but I know Kessil wont be the way I go. The lights that work are so intense and kicking ass but I have to wonder, isn't precision and reliability more important?? I'm thinking of going all ISIS now or all Blackstar. Down for recommendations.

Love all the new pics. Looking delicious and making me wanna smoke!! So you are using a 750w blackstar combined with 1000w HPS for flower?? Is it a perpetual harvest? As soon as I have enough LED I want to pull my HID lights out of my main area where I've been using LED as supplemental lighting, but beginning to wonder if it's possible.
I use one... it's made in china. it's not cree diodes. works just great for my personal grow, but many others will bash them because they don't get any kick backs from them.
Insane and frustrating since this was supposed to be an all Kessil test run and I've had to use so many other backup lights (CFLS and smaller LED units). I was looking to see how many Kessils I need to expand an 8' x 8' area to a 16' x 16' area, which in regard to the Kessil I've abandoned. There's no way I would sink the amount of money it would take to cover that area into Kessil when I've had this much problems with their units. So for now I'm moving all my lovely ladies(mostly cotton candy and sour d) from this test tent to my main flower area. I have 10 silver haze rooted clones that I will put back into my main veg room and I picked up 2 par 38 15 w Blue LEDs for less than $90 as supplement light while waiting for my Kessils. The plants under these are doing extremely well so I'm going to test these lights on a small veg cabinet on the 10 silver haze to see what they can do with them as stand alone. I ordered them after the first malfunctioning Kessil and they are already working while I seem to be in a perpetual state of waiting on Kessil. I still have a budget of 2500-3000(and currently increasing) to throw at this so I know I'll reach my goals but I know Kessil wont be the way I go. The lights that work are so intense and kicking ass but I have to wonder, isn't precision and reliability more important?? I'm thinking of going all ISIS now or all Blackstar. Down for recommendations.

Love all the new pics. Looking delicious and making me wanna smoke!! So you are using a 750w blackstar combined with 1000w HPS for flower?? Is it a perpetual harvest? As soon as I have enough LED I want to pull my HID lights out of my main area where I've been using LED as supplemental lighting, but beginning to wonder if it's possible.

I would recommend www.growledhydro.com Spectra lights such as those used by Irishboy and many others to great success. The website is slowly being updated, if you want proper pictures here is what they look like basically (this is a pic of the 395w total draw 2011 unit). They have some cool features I'm not sure most other LED companies use (failsafe tech to keep whole rows/columns of lights going out when 1 led dies), and they put finned heat sinks on all their lights as well as removing the... PCB? board between the LEDs and the heatsink (now the LEDs touch it directly for greatest efficiency), and Mike who designs them won't bullshit you about how much they will grow or how big of an area they will cover well. And they actually list their total wattage draw, where as most companies (blackstar and possibly Isis as well) will say a light is 240w (because its made of say 80 3w LEDs, when the actual unit only pulls maybe 120-150w from your wall because LEDs can't run at full power). There are a lot of Spectra grows over at 420 magazine between Irishboy and several other people, go check em out to see what LED is really capable of. For actual watt for watt draw Spectras are excellent and not the cheapest or most expensive (other companies may seem cheaper because they mislead about the wattage of their lights, few companies don't do this).

2011_Spectra_380w.jpg S7301834.jpgS7301832.jpg
I would recommend www.growledhydro.com Spectra lights such as those used by Irishboy and many others to great success. The website is slowly being updated, if you want proper pictures here is what they look like basically (this is a pic of the 395w total draw 2011 unit). They have some cool features I'm not sure most other LED companies use (failsafe tech to keep whole rows/columns of lights going out when 1 led dies), and they put finned heat sinks on all their lights as well as removing the... PCB? board between the LEDs and the heatsink (now the LEDs touch it directly for greatest efficiency), and Mike who designs them won't bullshit you about how much they will grow or how big of an area they will cover well. And they actually list their total wattage draw, where as most companies (blackstar and possibly Isis as well) will say a light is 240w (because its made of say 80 3w LEDs, when the actual unit only pulls maybe 120-150w from your wall because LEDs can't run at full power). There are a lot of Spectra grows over at 420 magazine between Irishboy and several other people, go check em out to see what LED is really capable of. For actual watt for watt draw Spectras are excellent and not the cheapest or most expensive (other companies may seem cheaper because they mislead about the wattage of their lights, few companies don't do this).

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And in the interest of full disclosure, do you have any affiliations with the company?? Not that I'm accusing you of it but I have to know if this is an independent recommendation. What is the warranty on these units?? Have you used them to flower yet??
Anyone have any experience with HTG LEDs? HTG is a pretty legitimate company so I'd like to give them a shot. It's either those or Blackstars. Which should I do?

HTG is a good company, but their LED's are not.
The LED's that HTG sells are just Chinese made panels (aka Ebay junk) with the HTG logo slapped on.
They might veg okay, but I have yet to see them get the job done during flowering.
I'm not the biggest fan of the Blackstars, but they seem to be a better pick then what HTG is offering for LED's.
Good luck.
I took apart mine and my own IR readings too. Its not rocket science, like someone said, there isnt anything significantly more advanced than anything else. Nanometers are nanometers.

I just find it so funny that no one else wants to take readings on their own shit and just talk about anyone elses.
I'm opening mine but because my brother insists these panels are a breeze to build. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qYZahe2s5o and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxbdm7Elc2Q
I called Kessil the other day like 3 weeks ago and they said that soon they would have swivel clamps for their lights, that would mean that you could direct a magenta in the same spot by directing the light to the same spot. eh. They are coming out with an enhanced light that covers more distance than a 2x2 but we might have to wait for spring.

Skip Kessil, I have had nothing but problems! Out of the 5 I purchased only 2 were functional out of the box on arrival. I ordered them weeks ago and only have1 replacement so far with the other 2 due Tuesday.
Skip Kessil, I have had nothing but problems! Out of the 5 I purchased only 2 were functional out of the box on arrival. I ordered them weeks ago and only have1 replacement so far with the other 2 due Tuesday.

that is some really bad news about your lights, i hope the replacements are the best lights that ever left thier factory! I understand mistakes can happen and sometimes the mfg. isn't even at fault, but how they choose to handle the mistakes tells everything about a company.
haha, thanks, guys, i think i'll be fine, but i guess i'll know in a few months. thinking about the journal, but a little scared to post that stuff. we'll see.

Man I need to see what's possible with that many Blackstars. I still have about 3 grand to dump into my expansion project and by my calculations that's roughly 10 blackstars. Combined with my existing hodgepodge of LED units (Kessils, Hydrogrow panels, 90w ufos and a 300w growl +numerous cheaper blue veg panels) will get me to where I need to be. I'm most interested in how many square feet you feel like you can adequately cover.
For adults in full flower I get about 2 giant plants under the 240W, and the 4-5 under the 500W, they seem to be just fine like that, you could probably add more, but im in the school of thought of having fewer but bigger plants then more plants that are smaller. (mandatory LED Users UNITE! clause: the 240's draw 140, the 500's draw about 285)

Man I need to see what's possible with that many Blackstars. I still have about 3 grand to dump into my expansion project and by my calculations that's roughly 10 blackstars. Combined with my existing hodgepodge of LED units (Kessils, Hydrogrow panels, 90w ufos and a 300w growl +numerous cheaper blue veg panels) will get me to where I need to be. I'm most interested in how many square feet you feel like you can adequately cover.
Ray man holy smokes what kind of a deal did he get you on all those. I was talking to victor today because of my blackstar I ordered last week sean didnt give me a tracking number for it. So he responded saying he was sorry but he had a heck of a day today probalby getting all your 18 units shipped to you lol. You definitely have to take a picture of all them lights on man!!! jesus that will be a show!!

HAHA, No wonder Gotham is sold out of the 240s!! I tried to order some the other day to no avail.
Simple, cheap and effective. Yes its a bit of a pain but for the savings well worth it. Nicely played. Good luck :-)

Yeah I will only do it for 1 or 2 cycles by hand to reimburse myself on the cost of the lights, at which point I'll have the resources to build a setup that moves them in between automatically.
I'll never see that G again. Bought four Kessil MAGENTA (at least they started out that way) that I bought thinking they could enhance flowering but I'll never know because now they only emit a red. So much for a magenta spectrum.

Watch what these guys do toward the last minute of this video. After seeing this I think I'm going to do a little experiment on my Kessil's but I don't think I'll be putting my hand in the tank.


Did you try having them replaced?? My replacements will be in by Tuesday. *fingers crossed* but I am so over Kessil.
that is some really bad news about your lights, i hope the replacements are the best lights that ever left thier factory! I understand mistakes can happen and sometimes the mfg. isn't even at fault, but how they choose to handle the mistakes tells everything about a company.

All I know is I tried to be chill about the first messed up light even though it took so long (grow time) to get a replacement out and now the others are going to take even longer. Unless they send a free light with my replacements I will never buy Kessil again. HAHA, they inquired about my t-shirt size as if me advertising for the company is going to smooth things over, nope, and here's the kicker they waited to hear back from me on my t-shirt size before sending my lights out. WHAT?? I couldn't believe so I told them they can keep their t-shirts, that there's no chance I'd wear them after all these delays.
HTG is a good company, but their LED's are not.
The LED's that HTG sells are just Chinese made panels (aka Ebay junk) with the HTG logo slapped on.
They might veg okay, but I have yet to see them get the job done during flowering.
I'm not the biggest fan of the Blackstars, but they seem to be a better pick then what HTG is offering for LED's.
Good luck.

Do you have any evidence of this? They specifically say these aren't junky Chinese panels. Do you know anyone who has ever used them? How is Blackstar any better than HTG?