Led Users Unite!

One thing I can tell you in an enclosed space ( cab) the blackstars and two UFos through off a ton of heat out the cooling fans. Temps under the lights is 80 F with two intakes at the rez level blowing pretty good on the girls. The temp at the bottom of the cloning shelf is 88 degrees with the exhaust fan for the cab ( through canister) pulling 150 cfm out. The ambient air outside the cab is 68 degrees. So these do throw some heat= question is size of space you need to warm up
yeah I noticed my blackstar does throw some heat out I bought another today to replace the chinese panel so now I will have two in my 3x4 with the 300w chinese panel and the 240w blackstar it gets like 85 degrees in there!!! but I noticed the chinese panel does throw off more heat!! and its bigger so hopefully temps will drop when I put the other blackstar lol hopefully not go up!
I set myself back I was going to start a journal but all my plants ended up getting rust fungus and got burnt bad which is weird because I never had this happen before and I have a couple grows under my belt. Im sure it was the tap water from my bathtub that jacked my PH up. I was trying to half ass water the plants I usually use RO water from the little machines outside the supermarkets.. I tested the PH of it and its dead on 6.5 ph so yeah I will never substitute bath water for RO just because I ran out of water lol hard lesson learned im trying to flush them and stabilize them but just doesnt seem to be working. When I stabilize or start new seeds I will start a grow journal for all you wanting to see what the blackstars are capable of...
Guys, please help me out here. I'm been all over the Internet looking for the best LED grow lights for the money. I am willing to spend a pretty penny, but I need to cover two rooms, each 11 by 11. There are so many models out there. Which is the best value, offering great results at a fair price? Please tell me!
Dude from what ive seen from ledbudguys grow is proof to me that LED's are ready to replace HPS and from IRISHBOYS grow it seems you have the money. So ledbudguy pulled 27oz and 6 grams off of 850w of LED heres the link https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/378470-confined-space-850w-led-master-31.html that was enough proof to me that the right LED's can get the job done 100% way better than HPS and more efficiently. The panels that ledbudguy uses are the ISIS 1 panels pretty penny but worth it if you can afford it heres the link http://ledgrowlightsdirect.com/isis-1/ and I think IRISHBOY uses the penetrators right help me out guys but heres the link to it http://www.hydrogrowled.com/ I think he used the 345w penetrator.
yeah I noticed my blackstar does throw some heat out I bought another today to replace the chinese panel so now I will have two in my 3x4 with the 300w chinese panel and the 240w blackstar it gets like 85 degrees in there!!! but I noticed the chinese panel does throw off more heat!! and its bigger so hopefully temps will drop when I put the other blackstar lol hopefully not go up!

The area in my grow cab is 18" x 36" x 54" . The 85 is in my remote staion at about 50". About 8" under lights its 80. Heat def coming off back fans.
yeah they definitely put out some heat im gonna ahave to find a way to cool my 3x4 room a little better or use co2 to circumvent the heat problem....
The area in my grow cab is 18" x 36" x 54" . The 85 is in my remote staion at about 50". About 8" under lights its 80. Heat def coming off back fans.
thanks, surge. i'm so confused. i'm looking at a bunch of different models. basically, i'm looking for the best way to cover two separate 11-by-11 rooms, and i'm willing to spend up to six grand, but I have no idea what the best option would be. i'm retarded.
Dude from what ive seen from ledbudguys grow is proof to me that LED's are ready to replace HPS and from IRISHBOYS grow it seems you have the money. So ledbudguy pulled 27oz and 6 grams off of 850w of LED heres the link https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/378470-confined-space-850w-led-master-31.html that was enough proof to me that the right LED's can get the job done 100% way better than HPS and more efficiently. The panels that ledbudguy uses are the ISIS 1 panels pretty penny but worth it if you can afford it heres the link http://ledgrowlightsdirect.com/isis-1/ and I think IRISHBOY uses the penetrators right help me out guys but heres the link to it http://www.hydrogrowled.com/ I think he used the 345w penetrator.

Irish boy uses the Spectra series from GrowLedHydro. Didn't realize the Penetrator site name was so similar :-)

I've been impressed as hell with my ISIS for vegging and for being 30 days into flower the Magnums are doing a great job so far. If they finish anywhere near as good as they are doing so far I should have lots of meds and then some to last until my next round.
WOW six grand yeah man if you have that type of money you can definitely make the switch from HPS to LED's perfectly. Also those sites I showed you are a couple of panels that I have seen here on the forums and on sites that have proven results pound for pound can go with HPS if not better! ask around in this forum like I said the other guys might know some other sites you can check out gotham hydroponics which I got both my 240w panels from I guess there making a 900w panel I talked to sean the customer sales guy that works there today when I ordered my other panel and he said that there 900w panel is just a beast and it is brighter than any HPS he has seen on the market... he said everything in the 900W panel is pretty much industrial made. If you have that amount of money to spend though I would go with something better I know dunit a guy on this forum is using some 357 magnum panels they seem to work really well for him ... www.357magled.com from what he tells me one will definitely cover a 3x4 area prefectly so send a private message to a couple of these guys on here they will help you out....
thanks, surge. i'm so confused. i'm looking at a bunch of different models. basically, i'm looking for the best way to cover two separate 11-by-11 rooms, and i'm willing to spend up to six grand, but I have no idea what the best option would be. i'm retarded.

I wouldn't say retarded. More like its confusing as fuck trying to figure out which of the various manufacturers actually are making a product that works. Which one has the proper coverage (none of them are realistic about coverage area unless you are growing lettuce), total power (actual draw vs maximum rating), individual LED draw, spectrums, heat management (LED's are very heat sensitive) and lens angles to get the best bang for your buck.

I think Irishboy said it best when he said don't trust the manufacturers claims, trust results.

Check out journals which is frustrating all by itself as many of them seem to go no where (after hundreds of posts run into problems and crash and burn).

I've spent many hours reading journals and I'm yet to see an LED grow that produced the results that LedBudGuy got from his ISIS 170's which was 1.3 grams per watt. That was how I ended up buying my panels. I was looking for a bigger panel as I have more space and can grow taller plants so I phoned that company and they put me into their newest product. So far I'm impressed and feel free to check my sig for my journal but in the end until I have dried buds on a scale it doesn't mean much.

Irishboy has done many grows with LED and done well and he uses the Spectra series. He is a week ahead of me on his latest grow and we are both covering 4x4 areas with two panels. His draw twice the power and are way more money so it will be interesting to see how I stack up in the end. I'd love to pull off an underdog upset but realistically if I even come close I'm in the money :-)
Dude from what ive seen from ledbudguys grow is proof to me that LED's are ready to replace HPS and from IRISHBOYS grow it seems you have the money. So ledbudguy pulled 27oz and 6 grams off of 850w of LED heres the link https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/378470-confined-space-850w-led-master-31.html that was enough proof to me that the right LED's can get the job done 100% way better than HPS and more efficiently. The panels that ledbudguy uses are the ISIS 1 panels pretty penny but worth it if you can afford it heres the link http://ledgrowlightsdirect.com/isis-1/ and I think IRISHBOY uses the penetrators right help me out guys but heres the link to it http://www.hydrogrowled.com/ I think he used the 345w penetrator.

No No No
Irishboy uses Spectras from www.growledhydro.com (the site is a little out of date) here is a link of the new lights and specs for Spectras in 2011