Led Users Unite!


Also, what estimate yeild I will get with my future config?
Config is:
- 60x40x40cm box
- Advanced LEDs Diamond Series 200w (what's close to their old 360w one, if report @ their website is true)
- Horizontal ScrOG
- Soil
- 1 Northern Lights #5 (non-auto)


Well-Known Member
Also, what estimate yeild I will get with my future config?
Config is:
- 60x40x40cm box
- Advanced LEDs Diamond Series 200w (what's close to their old 360w one, if report @ their website is true)
- Horizontal ScrOG
- Soil
- 1 Northern Lights #5 (non-auto)
haha still pretty much impossible to say my take would be that your max yield would be no more than the number of true led watts you have in grams, so your 200w modelo if it is 200w true would yield no more than 200g's but thats not concrete could go alot less could go more but thats a good estimate sorta haha.

im fat

Active Member
I was just in LOWES today, and saw a lot of LED's for sale in the light blub section... are a any of these combinations viable for growing? or are you guys using specifically the LEDs from the online grow shops?

Or is the output not enough?

El Superbeasto

Active Member
Are you talking about the ones that screw into standard light sockets?

Those aren't very practical for growing as you will need a lot of them, and by the time you had enough to make it worthwhile, even for a small grow, it would have been cheaper to get a regular grow light LED panel.

They're great for illuminating rooms though as a replacement for incandescent bulbs or CFLs though.

I was just in LOWES today, and saw a lot of LED's for sale in the light blub section... are a any of these combinations viable for growing? or are you guys using specifically the LEDs from the online grow shops?

Or is the output not enough?

im fat

Active Member
^ Thanks that's exactly the ones I saw... they're weren't cheap either.

I have a 420watt HPS, but Heats and ventilation is a serious issue, so I been playing with the idea of LED or T5. I like the idea of LED personally - Ill continue to look into it. I'm just scared of the high price / to results ratio - mainly I want a low heat light that performs well in flower time.

El Superbeasto

Active Member
For a good LED, it will be pretty costly. The cheapest I would recommend would be Blackstar with 3 watt diodes. And to replace 400 watts of HID, you would still need about 400 watts of LED.

Maybe check out the GLH 290 watt, they are pretty expensive, like $750, but they are great LEDs, and will perform well.

Other options are a better inline fan to work with your HPS, like the 6" Canmax, that's what I use in my grow tent, and it keeps temps just 5 above outside the tent, and I have a 400 watt HPS, 300 watt LED, 135 watt LED, and 90 watt LED, and a few hundred watts of CFL for side lighting. The fan is like $145, and runs fairly quiet.

You could also get an AC window unit for like $100-$150 with $0.97 shipping from walmart.com

^ Thanks that's exactly the ones I saw... they're weren't cheap either.

I have a 420watt HPS, but Heats and ventilation is a serious issue, so I been playing with the idea of LED or T5. I like the idea of LED personally - Ill continue to look into it. I'm just scared of the high price / to results ratio - mainly I want a low heat light that performs well in flower time.


Well-Known Member
He's right, maybe a little less than watt for watt. In my experience leds are more efficient watt for watt vs hid but it still took close to 600w of actual led output to replace two 400w hps lights in my garden. Manufacterer claims are wildy exaggerated by most companies which is part of the reason leds get a bad rep. Depending on the quality of the led lamp you choose somewhere between 2/3 and 4/5 the wattage ought to do well. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Yeah can't PM not enough posts(i think).....would definitely be interested in that link though..
I don't know maybe i'm making more out his response than I should...asked about actual power draw and got a vague answer about it being "slightly lower than the model number" and that it "varies by full output or it being switched selectively"(obviously) but not giving me the actual number is strange(IMO)...still gonna probably buy it but weird anyhow.. Maybe u can hook up a kill-a watt to the unit and give us a definite answer...(i should just email him back)...

Oh BTW how's your grow going???
Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about kyle...he's usually on point with his customer service. Actually just got a call this morning about my shipment...Too bad I don't have a wattage meter, maybe I should get one to test out all my electronics, think theyre only about $20. The grow is good, I'll update the thread later tonight with some pics


Well-Known Member
Well here are some pics of my sage n sour and pure kush after 50 days flowering.

The led's do seem to be doing an ok job. The resin looks great. even have resin on big fan leaves. It's the bud SIZE im not impressed with. I am just not getting that girth that I want. I am a licensed medical producer in my state and I need Big yeilds and great quality. So I hate to say my led friends but I will be purchasing a 1000 watt hps tonight. I WILL still be utilizing my led's I currently have. I dont really want to go hps but its getting into the cooler season around here and I figure if I need to run a space heater in the room then I might as well just throw in a hps. Bottom line is I need more production!


Well-Known Member
Well here are some pics of my sage n sour and pure kush after 50 days flowering.

The led's do seem to be doing an ok job. The resin looks great. even have resin on big fan leaves. It's the bud SIZE im not impressed with. I am just not getting that girth that I want. I am a licensed medical producer in my state and I need Big yeilds and great quality. So I hate to say my led friends but I will be purchasing a 1000 watt hps tonight. I WILL still be utilizing my led's I currently have. I dont really want to go hps but its getting into the cooler season around here and I figure if I need to run a space heater in the room then I might as well just throw in a hps. Bottom line is I need more production!
What light are you growing with and at how many watts?


Well-Known Member
Four blackstar 600's actual 340 watts each so 1360 watts total led. Oh and I am using a light mover with all of them on the same rail spaced 24" apart. Im not giving up on led they do work...somewhat. but bottom line I need big yeilds out of 18+ plants at once. I have seveal other grow buddies that are using a room set up just like mine but only diffrence is they are using hps. There buds are about 3-4x the size of mine right now. Just like they say at the drag strip there is no replacement for dispacment. I guess in growers terms the saying would be( Its all about penetration just ask your girl friend)


Active Member
How close do you have them away? I see that other Blackstar 500 users at around 8-10 inches above. I ask because I've seen much fatter buds off of smaller wattage Blackstars so something is off here?


Well-Known Member
How close do you have them away? I see that other Blackstar 500 users at around 8-10 inches above. I ask because I've seen much fatter buds off of smaller wattage Blackstars so something is off here?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that something is wrong there. I don't use blackstars, but my nugs from a 180w look bigger.


Active Member
Having done 3 LED only grows with a total of 10 strains now. I agree something looks off. I would have guessed that these were pics from day 25-30 of flower. Plants looks healthy and frosty but the bud mass is nowhere near what it should be IMHO.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree. I have kept the plants nice and healthy and I keep the light about 12-14 inches above the plants and some buds the taller ones are really close like 8 inches and they still just dont have the mass. they are on day 50 and alot of the hairs are turning color so Im thinkin they are near the end and wont bulk up much more. Im just baffled. I have more then enough airflow, I change the rez once a week, they never seemed stressed or deficent. I did burn them a touch but I imedietly flushed when I realized i make a oppsie. I dont know what to think did I waste $2200 of my hard earned cash? Or should I try try again? either way I litteraly just went and bought and setup my new 1000w set up w/aircooled hood. I feel like I have to make somthing happen like now! I have 5 patients depending on me including my self. I am going to be taking on about 24 more plants. Maybe I am trying to grow too many plants over a large area for just 4 led's to cover. Either way I am going to be running atleast 2 of the led's probably 4 durring winter with the 1000 hps. So hopefully that will grow me some serious poundage.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that something is wrong there. I don't use blackstars, but my nugs from a 180w look bigger.
If you dont mind how many plants did you have under that 180w? and do you have any pics? So I can see how far I am off lol.


Active Member
BMF725 are your in the NFT setup? DWC and the Black Star panels put on serious weight but are susceptible to prolonged flowering as the buds seem to enjoy the light and keep going. At least mine did and filled much faster when I started getting into a 10 hour daytime setting and things moved nicely thereafter for me.
wow theres alot of goofs that hate wayyy tooo much on here , seriously what ever works for you works for you , dont jump into other peoples constructive conversations and start fucking shit up ..... people are trying to spread information around here not hate you fuck ups i used to use hps but guess what i saw some very big advantages for myself to use leds ...... so i did and im fucking happy as a pig in shit no more a/c units no more big power bills stuff like that. dosent mean i hate hps growers or think that they hve to switch to led's or any shit like that what ever works best for you is what you should use , leave the hating to the government and the pigs