LED vs HID - 4 Way Grow Off (1000w HID vs. Magnum+ vs. Apollo 10 vs. Penetrator 336x)


Had a problem with Rollitup forums photo upload, seems it was a browser issue, but got it fixed! Catching up this journal now!


13 days in from seed... the move to the independent rooms takes place tomorrow, had a bit of a snag come up which limited my time.

As you can clearly see, vegging under the magnum+ and par amp original magnum is completely killing the 1000w dual arc HID... everything is the exact same in terms of medium and nutes being fed to these plants, the only difference is the light source!!!


14 days from seed... ladies were watered today and divided into the seperate rooms. Plants vegged under LED have been marked. It is obvious that the HID plants are suffering from some sort of PH problem. I will be measuring PH and PPM starting tomorrow. The LED vegged plants show no signs of PH problems.

14 days from seed HID...



Each light is at 30 inches abouve the tops of the pots. I will measure PAR values of each room tomorrow as well as spectral output of each light...


Well-Known Member
Looks interesting!

I'm skeptical about HID lights being responsible for a pH problem though... looks to me like a variable has been introduced that's throwing off the test.

Also, I don't think I'd worry about having all the lights the same distance from the plants, I'd set each one as close as it can be without stressing the plants. After all, that's how you would grow with them if you only had that kind of light.
14 days from seed... ladies were watered today and divided into the seperate rooms. Plants vegged under LED have been marked. It is obvious that the HID plants are suffering from some sort of PH problem. I will be measuring PH and PPM starting tomorrow. The LED vegged plants show no signs of PH problems.

14 days from seed HID...

hey Man just checking in to let you know, you soil Ph is not whats wrong (or at least not entirely), it appears to me that you seeds were to wet to long and you have continued to over water them, they are currently locked out of all nutes as a result, your LED plants are showing a milder form of over watering as well. my advice, let your soil really dry out ALOT before you next water or your plants will die long before they do anything of note.

Good luck on the grow off, my advice is to start over, your experiment thus far is pretty fucked and will yield no true results...sry bro

hey zues!

Very interested in this thread. I have decided to go with 2 135w UFOs for my grow, which is now down to 5 plants because of some turning out to be males. It will be my first led grow, and I'm very interested in the results. Good luck bro!
i know this is off subject but why when i see commercial grows they always frame the outside with plywood, isnt drywall cheaper then plywood, can anybody help me out here?

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever seen a successful LED grow that produced anything at all? I have been waiting for years and have never seen one anywhere on the web. This would be as good a place as any to link a thread to an LED grow that actually produced something.