LED vs. HID Double Ended Bulb


Well-Known Member
Apologies from me ,also ...
(If that means something,anyway ...)

But brother HT .....
Ok ...
At the title of your thread ,you've placed " LED" on one "corner"
and " HID Double Ended Bulb " on the other ...

Plus the 'versus' in between ...

Are you seriously thinking that you've made yourself a 'decision taking board'
with all of us as the " consultants " ?

If you've been habitating this planet long enough ,
you should have known ,that a "versus" thrown
between two opposing sides ,most of times (99.999% ) will create a nice square boxing ring ...

Well ,at least you gave me a lesson ...

I came to realise that I'm not the calm
& civilised person ,that I thought I was ...

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Well-Known Member
I know now! I'm new here @stardustsailor & was hoping to get people's input on lighting. Any topics other than lighting should be discussed elsewhere. Just my opinion...

I do appreciate everyone enlightening me on LED & I respect everyone that feels HID is for them. To each it's own! I'll see for myself with a side-by-side & let everyone know my results.

Gonna try to emulate your side-by-side @Greengenes707

That was nice work! I've decided I'm doing 4 XGS & one 1000k Phillips Master Green DE HPS for my 5x9 flower space.

Master Green ?

No GreenPower 1000W from Phil ,anymore ?
( I'm at least 5 years absent from the HID illumination scene ...)


Well-Known Member
what in the f*ck was this thread about i can't figure it out
let me summarize for you sir

LEDfag1: dude my unique 9 band spectrum is more par efficient than your wasteful cob design
LEDfag2: hahaha are you fucking serious noob :p
BMXbandit1: seriously though my oakley handle grips are much better than your mushroom grips
BMXbandit2: dude you're just so fucking jealous of my flexible z-rims ... fuck your oakley
HPSmaster: Ya'll is nooobcakez i yield 1.67 gpw

hope this helps
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Well-Known Member
let me summarize for you sir

LEDfag1: dude my unique 9 band spectrum is more par efficient than your wasteful cob design
LEDfag2: hahaha are you fucking serious noob :p
BMXbandit1: seriously though my oakley handle grips are much better than your mushroom grips
BMXbandit2: dude you're just so fucking jealous of my flexible z-rims ... fuck your oakley
HPSmaster: Ya'll is nooobcakez i yield 1.67 gpw

hope this helps

Gotta love those hydro plumped up buds! Whole lotta water!


Concentration is the key word here smartie pants. :mrgreen:

I can see clearly now the rain is gone!

Your choice of lingo is very telling.

Outtie for good..bah-bye

Edit...it's okay. I'd be grumpy too if I had to check ph and measure things all the time :mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
Edit...it's okay. I'd be grumpy too if I had to check ph and measure things all the time :mrgreen:

hydro growers that check PH all the time .. maybe these guys like measuring things, the ones i have spoken to seem to enjoy this kind of faffing about , not sure why you would think it makes them grumpy
some of them use RO water and have to do lots of ph checks

personally i do not check PH , this is not that uncommon (stable water supply permitting)
folk who are familiar with hydroponics in practice rather than reading the hydro section of a george cravates novel
will already know these things lol


Well-Known Member
Who is ledfag#1? and who is ledfag#2, just so we can clear up that ad hominem attack bullshit.....:peace:

Nobody rides bmx anymore, Mr 80's.
i am sorry if i offended any homosexuals out there by using the term "fag"
i am sure plenty of homosexuals do not use LEDS and grow very nice bud
