This hid room only has 6 lights
Average between 15-18 and maxed out once at 24 lbs (tried several times sense and haven’t been able to do it, didn’t look any fuller buds were just dense to the bottom and was a mono crop.) the lights are covering a 6x5 area each. I’d do more but only have one mini split in that room atm. And so far it’s worked great the way it is.

The led rooms I can’t get an accurate weight off of as I have been dealing with some issues, so recently started over genetic wise. But several varieties weren’t sick and I was able to get an idea of weight and quality out of those parts of the room. There are more lights in this room. I still have 2 de hps up front. I can set the par, humidity, temperature, c02 pretty much anywhere I want in this room.
I haven’t given up Im still trying to dial it in, but so far the results I’m getting def weren’t worth the 10k price tag. I see potentional for more weight but it’s 4 more lights in the same space, would be more weight if out 4 more de hps in the other room too.

Average between 15-18 and maxed out once at 24 lbs (tried several times sense and haven’t been able to do it, didn’t look any fuller buds were just dense to the bottom and was a mono crop.) the lights are covering a 6x5 area each. I’d do more but only have one mini split in that room atm. And so far it’s worked great the way it is.

The led rooms I can’t get an accurate weight off of as I have been dealing with some issues, so recently started over genetic wise. But several varieties weren’t sick and I was able to get an idea of weight and quality out of those parts of the room. There are more lights in this room. I still have 2 de hps up front. I can set the par, humidity, temperature, c02 pretty much anywhere I want in this room.
I haven’t given up Im still trying to dial it in, but so far the results I’m getting def weren’t worth the 10k price tag. I see potentional for more weight but it’s 4 more lights in the same space, would be more weight if out 4 more de hps in the other room too.