LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

Did the spectral analysis for the Fiji Purple today.
Here it is finally!

^^^ This is the Fiji Purple analysis that was done. Originally posted 1/18/2012 in this thread (original is still there... not lost in the website hack/data loss)
^^^ This is the Fiji Purple analysis that was done. Originally posted 1/18/2012 in this thread (original is still there... not lost in the website hack/data loss)

BlueB said himself that it was not real. Someone took his money and made it up. So I wouldn't trust that one.
BlueB said himself that it was not real. Someone took his money and made it up. So I wouldn't trust that one.

oh i missed that... my bad then...lol. but yeah, not like I trust anything to do with Fiji Purple anyways... 439 pages later and we still don't have a Fiji Purple spd graph... /roll eyes (who cares?)
oh i missed that... my bad then...lol. but yeah, not like I trust anything to do with Fiji Purple anyways... 439 pages later and we still don't have a Fiji Purple spd graph... /roll eyes (who cares?)

Yeah, I bought them when that was the real one as far as we knew. Can't afford unknon bulbs at those prices.
Does growing with t5's require constant canopy management? I'm about to start my first grow but dont want to have to worry about keeping the canopy somewhat even
You guys pay for my airfare to Europe and ill get you that graph for the FIJI bulb......I won't hit the old man/swear:)
You guys pay for my airfare to Europe and ill get you that graph for the FIJI bulb......I won't hit the old man/swear:)

I'll kick in $20, but only if you hit him with the chart on the wall and tape it. While yelling "This is for the PAR growers, you snooty douche!" :bigjoint:
A few picks of my grape ape clones from day one to day 25 under a bb 16 bulb with the bulbs in my sig.









And the new batch of clones in the e-z-cloner

Does growing with t5's require constant canopy management? I'm about to start my first grow but dont want to have to worry about keeping the canopy somewhat even

yes it does. with sog or not. you want an even canopy. you want each top to get the same intensity. i have some sog going where i had to super crop a few of them to make them even.
9 bulbs total...3 to switch out :)
in this order too....

UVL 454 w/internal reflector
Fuji Purple
UVL Super Actinic w/internal reflector
ATI T5 12000K Aquablue Special
UVL 75.25 w/internal reflector
Fuji Purple

3. UVL Red Sun
when you bloom add the red sun bulbs where the actinic (blue) ones are (75.25, 454, Super Actinic)

I have all of these bulbs as originally suggested by Pr0fessor - complete with a 6 bulb t5 badboy ballast.
(I got lucky and have fully functioning Red Suns).
The lights were used for one grow - It went great!

Now my life is taking a different direction and I'm looking to get rid of these. If anyone is interested PM me- I'll hook it up.
Thanks, about 20 days from harvest right now. Had a PH problem earlier in flower so the damage is evident, but it hasnt spread so i think things are gonna be good for the next 3 weeks.

I am finding im getting much better growth with 18" for vegging plants lately. I run 8 bulb fixtures.

As for my seedlings this is where im still experimenting. I basically keep my seedlings off to the side and a good 3ft from the 8 bulb and they seem to be doing ok. I keep them in rockwool and in closed dome for first 14 days.
Hey all! I've been studying this thread in and out about T5 HO lighting for the past 5 months and I have to say I'm quite impressed. A couple months ago I decided to take the plunge and purchase a couple fixtures and bulbs. I purchased some red suns, fiji purples, super actinics, 454 blue, and some flora suns. I've swapped 'em around to find the right light color and I think I've found it. What I'm runnin right now in a 4-bulb fixture is 1 red sun, 1 fiji purple, 1 super actinic and 1 flora sun. The plants love it. They stay short, stocky, perky and healthy all the way through. I ditched the 454 blue because the Fiji Purple is rich in the 454nm wavelength already. I'm totally in love with the Fiji purple. I think it's the best T5 for this purpose. My configuration goes actinic plus/red sun/fiji purple/flora sun in that order and it rocks. I really don't think it gets much better than that. I'm doing shelf systems with 4-bulb 4 foot hydrofarm designer fixtures one on top of the other. A fan is necessary to cool the fixtures otherwise the plants above get a little warm and it ain't good. When UVL gets their new deep red bulb made I'm going to take out the Flora Sun and swap it for the deep red UVL lamp since there are unnecessary wavelengths in the Flora Sun lamps. Feel free to ask any questions and happy growing y'all.