LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow


Well-Known Member
Also considering grabbing an indagrow 420 later this year and using it as a top light with tons of T5 sidelights in a vertical T5 setup. But that subject, I suppose, is for another thread... ;)


Active Member
Hey guys I contacted my stockist about the badboy and he said he didnt have that specific model but did stock T5's. Is there a difference in the out put between models? I tried to read all the pages but it's taking so long :D Would appreciate any help.


Well-Known Member
Sup all. My plants are absolutely thriving in those air pots. But... I'm noticing that the 5 airpots I have now barely fit along the light length with their drip trays...
I just started using the airpots also would agree they are awesome. A little bulky but the drainage cant be beat.

Thank you Prof. for turning me on to these pots!

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Completely unrelated.... I made some pretty good budder recently, took a few days alternating slowly heating the butter/bud for about 2hrs in a small pot, then directly into the freezer where it would stay until I had another two hours free to tend it while it slowly thawed and warmed again. I basically warmed/froze it about 5 times (I was in no hurry) then strained it a few times... Good budder. nothing special.
But I wanted to share a way Ive come to dose with it... I was reading about the traditional Indian Bhang Lassi drink, which is a warm milk concoction where the milkfat absorbs the THC and is the medium, then its mixed with different spices and sugar for flavor. Well I didnt have any buds to mash into milk.
So I tried this... about 3 fingers (1.5-2") worth of whole milk in a glass. Warm it up (I nuke it for 30secs) Add a tea-table spoon worth of sugar, and any other flavorings to make it very sweet. Ive been adding strawberry pancake syrup, but Im sure hot cocoa or hersheys syrup would work well too. Mix well. make sure its still warm, and tastes very sweet
Add one tea-table spoon of budder and mix well. The budder will melt but will still float ontop of the milk since they wont mix. The milk is basically a very delicious couter to the kinda funky taste of straight budder. But you can kick this back in 2-3 gulps, it tastes fantastic, when I use strawberry syrup, it basically tastes like a slightly buttery strawberry milkshake. But since the budder floats on top, thats all you will be able to smell when you drink it. Im not a fan of the green smell of budder so its a little off-putting to me, but it tastes good, and is alot easier than having to cook something up to use budder. takes less than 2 minutes to get a good solid dose, nothing easier except to take a straight spoonful.

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Hey guys I contacted my stockist about the badboy and he said he didnt have that specific model but did stock T5's. Is there a difference in the out put between models? I tried to read all the pages but it's taking so long :D Would appreciate any help.
T5HO will be the standard. The do make NO (normal output) but I rarely see them anywhwere. Do the math for whatever fixture you're looking at. Divide the total watts advertized by the number of bulbs. T5HO 4ft tubes run at 54w. If its 432w and 8 bulbs (432/8=54w per bulb) Some ballasts are VHO (Very High Output=80w-48") but they're more expensive and you'll know if its a VHO fixture. Odds are, it'll be T5HO if someone says "t5" but to be sure, just ask what watts it uses/requires. 4ft=54w 2ft=24w ea.


Active Member
I had so much trouble with the red suns that I had to use what ever I could find.
I think I have, 2 red waves,3 Coral waves, 1 10,000K, 2 Fiji purples. I think.


Well-Known Member
Duh. By increasing the N you are overcoming the lock out due to too much ratio of PK.
No need for the sarcasm. Like I said I am also feeding extremely light and had only done ONE flowering feeding so far.

I was under the impression that "nute lockout" meant that I had overfed and the salts in the nutes had built up and needed to be flushed. Perhaps i misunderstood what you meant.


Well-Known Member
I decided to take the genetics plunge with sannies. I got a nice mix.. Kolossus, and the indica mix which includes Herijuana, Anesthesia, and Jackberry F2...


Active Member
Hay,,A.N. Where you get those seeds?? I never heard of sannies.

Did you say you used fox farm nutes, I think before the hack or crash thing ??
I am using the 3 soled ones. And earth juice, and I mix my Owen soil. Never tried the air pots. Looks good to go.


Well-Known Member
Hay,,A.N. Where you get those seeds?? I never heard of sannies.

Did you say you used fox farm nutes, I think before the hack or crash thing ??
I am using the 3 soled ones. And earth juice, and I mix my Owen soil. Never tried the air pots. Looks good to go.
Hey mang,

Sannies is rumored to be one of the best places to get seeds at this point... hes suppose to be producing some pretty high quality genetics. Not as many freebies thrown in as attitude does but better customer service from what I've read... (heard attitude does not "support" their seeds because they sell them for heirloom collecting technically and don't care if your seeds come cracked or whether or not they sprout--On the other hand, Sannies will send replacements) Also, I was reading 6-day turn around for orders to the US which seemed nice.

Here's a good thread on Sannies:




Here's the site:


His strains look like quality and are actually in stock for the most part. Seems like every time I find a strain I like on attitude it's out of stock!


Also, yes, I use FF liquid and solid trios. Not very happy with them though. They'll do for now until I can get something better lined up I guess. Probably will switch to a new nute line and/or a custom soil mix for my new seeds. :)


Well-Known Member
No need for the sarcasm. Like I said I am also feeding extremely light and had only done ONE flowering feeding so far.

I was under the impression that "nute lockout" meant that I had overfed and the salts in the nutes had built up and needed to be flushed. Perhaps i misunderstood what you meant.
Sorry, it was meant in sarcastic fun. Believe me, I have had, and continue to have DUH/DOH moments :shock:


Well-Known Member
I'm out of here, great info.
I might review it now and again,
but I'm moving over to ICMag..
Thanks for the information!

& For a 2 Tube 2' T5 fixture,
only being used to suspend Bonsai Mothers,
and pre-flower vegging clones,

Which bulb should I mix with my 6500k tube?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... my scrogged ladies are plumping up slowly and my seedlings have been vegging in airpots for one month now.

My scrog canopies are atrocious... learned my lesson in scrogging too late. But, the buds are growing. This is four weeks in... probably more like five technically but I stunted the hell out of them scrogging them too late. They look kind of crappy and I'm crossing my fingers that they fill out a good bit:


These, on the other hand, are my pride and joy, lol. These are my "surprise seedlings" that were produced from my favorite bagseed plant which happened to overmature and end up producing a handful of seeds during it's last burst of bud development after I partial-harvested most of it.

Here they are right after transplant from the solo cups they (almost) started in, one month ago:

And here they are after one month in airpots! Experimenting with varying degrees of fimming... one is unfimmed because she was transplanted a tad too and I wanted to catch her up. Then three of them have been fimmed once. And one, which really outpaced the others (future mother I think, haha):

Fimmed once:

Unfimmed because she was lagging behind and I was trying to even 'em out. Really a pretty plant. Producing some big fan leaves.:

These were fimmed once as well:

Here's my racehorse/future mother... grew so fast she singed her giant wingspan on the light. She has been fimmed twice to slow growth to allow the canopy to stay even. And because it's fun to play. Haha:

Family shot:

Sorry for the junk lighting... still haven't come up with a decent bright light to move around for photos...